People & Lifestyle
African Union Hall, University of Ghana to hold Dog Show
Dogs are great companions and are a vital part of human existence. Many breeds of dogs exist solely to serve as companions to man. And just like Ramona C. Albert said, “When a dog wants to hang out the ‘Do Not Disturb’ sign, as all of us do every now and then, he is regarded […]
Dogs are great companions and are a vital part of human existence. Many breeds of dogs exist solely to serve as companions to man. And just like Ramona C. Albert said, “When a dog wants to hang out the ‘Do Not Disturb’ sign, as all of us do every now and then, he is regarded as a traitor to his species,’` funny right?
Companionship is very vital to human existence and that is why a large variety or breeds of dogs have been developed by human hands. There are several breeds of dogs bred for several functions. The popular breeds are the Companion dogs. There are the Guardian dogs, the Scent hounds and the Herding dogs among many others. Dogs are very good friends (companions) of humans, and there is no shame in wanting to show them off. Showing off dogs happens to be a great sport where the thrill of competition is combined with the joy of seeing beautiful dogs. At a Dog show, the main consideration is the dog’s novelty or overall appearance and structure.
A novelty dog show is a kind of dog show or display in which different breeds of dogs are in some novel; striking or differing in some way from that which is usual for the type of competition.
The Novelty Dog Show is something you can take your pet dog to, with no prior training, no huge costs and no experience. You and your dog choose a class you want to compete in, pay the small fee, enter the competing area and stand around with other dog owners while the judge looks at each dog and decides which one they like best.
It is for this reason that the African Union Hall is putting up this dog show mainly to raise funds for charity and also provide a platform to educate Ghanaians on the need to train their dogs and give them a platform to show them off.
The event comes off on the 27th of February, 2016 and is intended to start at 11 am. Dogs will be allowed to the venue only if dog owners have a ticket which qualifies them for the show. The venue, African Union Hall (Pentagon), will be secured by the Ghana Bravo Company from the Ghana Army. Tickets for each dog will be checked and purchased at various check points. Owners of dogs will have the privilege to take pictures with their dogs and celebrities on our red carpet. Refreshment for dog owners is assured and there would also be provision of water for their dogs.
Stands will be available for pet shops, local and foreign dog food, and a veterinary doctor would be available to dog lovers and breeders. There will also be a show off by the Ghana Bravo Company with their trained dogs on basic obedience and detection of narcotics and explosives. Trained dogs who wish to contest for the Dog Show will be registered at a fee and the winners awarded according to their respective categories. There will also be a music performance and puppy auction to raise funds for Charity.
This show is not a Specialty show where only dogs of specific breeds are invited. It is an all-breed show, open to over 130 breeds. All roads lead to African Union Hall (Pentagon) in the University of Ghana this February for the much awaited Dog Show. Come along with your dog – be it a Labrador Retriever, a Bull dog, a German Shepherd, a Chihuahua, a Poodle, a Beagle, a Siberian Husky or the Great Dane – and let us together raise money for charity.