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Are People Really Blogging Again?



When the video revolution first hit the internet, a lot of experts predicted that video content will eventually replace articles and written posts. The prediction wasn’t a surprising one at the time, especially when you take into account the growth of demand for video content as well as the rapid increase in supply.

Fast forward to today, however, and written content is still very much alive. In fact, more people – and brands – are returning to articles and blog posts as a way to communicate with their audience. Are people really blogging again? Should you go back to maintaining a company, brand, or personal blog to reach the audience today?

A Timeless Content Delivery

Yes, video and audio content are becoming more popular. They are more accessible than ever, which means there are more viewers looking for video and audio content to consume. It’s not just video either. Podcasts and other forms of audio content will still be dominant in the market.

Articles, blog posts, and other written content, however, are more evergreen. News outlets stick to written posts as an effective way to deliver key messages. Articles are more structured and can be consumed at any time.


More importantly, blog posts in particular are a great way to build a genuine relationship with the audience. People consume blog posts differently; they engage blog posts differently too. Your viewers are more likely to reread articles that they find interesting today.

Low Entry Barrier

There is also a problem that blog posts actually solve: high entry barrier of producing video content. While there are capable smartphones and easier ways of producing video content, it is still easier to spend an hour or so writing articles.

Top service providers like Krystal Hosting are making it easy for new and experienced bloggers to develop their own websites. Web hosting isn’t just more affordable, but also more accessible. Self-hosted blogs also offer the most flexibility – we will get to this in a bit.

Even the process of getting a personal or corporate blog up and running is more manageable. Thanks to CMS platforms like WordPress, anyone can design a user-friendly blog. Themes and plugins designed to add more features to the blog are also widely available.


Maximum Flexibility

Last but certainly not least, it is worth noting that blogs, especially self-hosted ones, offer the most flexibility, especially now that most content creators rely on existing platforms like YouTube and Vimeo to deliver video content.

Self-hosted video delivery is yet to be a viable option for the majority of creators, which means a Blog section remains the most flexible way to deliver valuable content to the audience. You can choose to monetise your blog, decide on features to add (i.e. Comments and likes) and do so much more.

Capable hosting certainly makes boosting the user experience of complex blogs easier. You can utilise multiple plugins to help bring more features to the audience.

Content is definitely king in today’s market, but content delivery is the kingdom. Right now, blogs appear to be more appealing as delivery methods. Expect to see a lot of bloggers – new and existing ones – delivering more content in the near future.

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