
Beverly Afaglo Gifts 13 Shoes To Fans On Her Birthday



Beverly Afaglo has made 13 of her followers happy on her birthday on May 28. Mrs. Baah who celebrates the birthday together with her last born, Kora on Instagram gave out the shoes to fans who proved to her why they should be given the gifts.

The actress in a series of Instagram posts published the shoes asking her followers to tag their friends and tell her why they should be given the pair of shoes. Few of these shoes received very good reviews from ShoeAdviser which makes them even more exciting. One or two pairs were even worn during an actual scene.

Beverly a day before the birthday announced winners for the giveaway on the picture-sharing social media platform to fulfill her promise.

She asked the winners to contact her team for their gifts. Fans who won the gift expressed joy for getting the shoes from their superstar. After sharing the 13 shoes to her fans, Beverly Afaglo released beautiful birthday promotional pictures with her last daughter, Kora who also celebrates the birthday with her mum.



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