
Big Brother week two round-up: Snakes, Secrets & Relationships

Day 10 broke with the housemates contemplating what their next Horror Island task would be. Having successfully negotiated a bowl of cockroaches, a diabolical cocktail and scalding wax tattoos, they were ready for anything – except snakes! The start of the task saw Big Brother tell the housemates that they have a terrible disease. The […]



Day 10 broke with the housemates contemplating what their next Horror Island task would be. Having successfully negotiated a bowl of cockroaches, a diabolical cocktail and scalding wax tattoos, they were ready for anything – except snakes!

The start of the task saw Big Brother tell the housemates that they have a terrible disease. The only cure is the Golden Snake, kept in the glass house and guarded by other snakes. They had to enter the glass house and capture the Golden Snake to cure themselves and complete the task. The all-important clue is that the Golden Snake is not real – but all the others are!

Just before it was Meryl’s turn to enter the glass house, Lerato & Munya had to help her breathe. She didn’t make much progress before bursting into tears. Yacob strode bravely into the glass house, but struggled to locate the Golden Snake until the other housemates gave him some clues. Uti, Hannington and Jennifer followed suit, before Sheila eventually located her treasure too. Munya was less scared than Kaone, who was followed by Paloma – but ultimately, all were successful.

Big Brother has given each housemate a voluntary task, in which they have to guess each other’s secrets – the secrets the housemates revealed to viewers on the opening night of the show. If one housemate guesses another housemate’s secret, they inherit US$ 1 000 from that housemate. On Wednesday, Big Brother planted a series of clues in the house to help the housemates along. While some think they’re on to each other, others couldn’t be further from discovering the truth!


During her diary session, Sheila gave herself a pat in the back for successfully completing the snake task. She thanked her fellow housemates for being supportive and bearing with her during her moments of fear. She told Big Brother that she didn’t want to be the one to let the team down. She went on to talk about the strained relations in the house, telling Big Brother that she was hiding her hurt feelings for fear that displaying them could come back to haunt her. Sheila denied being romantically linked to anyone in the house, clearing the air regarding her relationship with Hannington, who gave her a promise ring yesterday.

Jennifer told Big Brother that she had seen the snake task coming, as snakes were the first thing that came to mind when she heard the word ‘fear’. She then said that it is just a matter of time before she decodes the housemates’ secrets because their true colours are beginning to show. Mwisho felt that tensions had began to show, now that the game is getting serious. He noted that the housemates have prioritized the prize money over building lasting friendships.

The All Stars have just over a week together and some are really getting to know each other a little better. Some cliques are forming, while other housemates seem to be withdrawing.

Never shy, Tatiana has danced with Hannington, Code, Uti and Munya. She massaged Munya, and held hands with Code when she was evicted.
Munya compared himself and Tatiana to Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman, never shy to lavish her with attention. On the other hand, Munya also showers with Meryl, has given her a number of massages and sings to her. He has also spent some time asking Jen a lot of questions and encouraging her come task time.
Sheila walked in to the House wearing her celibacy ring and also created a celibacy song. Then she told Hannington that she’d give him a chance, but when he offered her a promise ring, she tearfully refused and explained that she had someone ‘on the outside’.


Uti had a chat with the guys and revealed that he likes Jen. Yacob pointed out to Uti and Hannington that he sees something developing between Uti and Meryl.

Hannington revealed very early in his stay in the Big Brother house that he wants to find someone and “pursue them exclusively”, to try and disprove the widely-held view that he is a womanizer. He later confessed that the person he had his eye on is Sheila. After telling Sheila how he felt, he told Uti that he wanted to “shake off this Sheila business” but then later gave her a promise ring and declared the depth of his feelings for her.

On Tuesday, Big Brother gave Sammi a secret task – he had to pretend that he was having a nightmare and if he could get one of the housemates to comfort him, he would win the cigarettes and chilli that he had been asking for. He succeeded admirably and having succeeded in this task, Big Brother rewarded him and gave him a second secret task during his diary session on Wednesday. He had to pretend to have another nightmare, but this time, Big Brother offered a carton of cigarettes as a prize should he succeed.

The argument between Yacob and Uti is still unresolved, after the two argued on Tuesday night when Yacob felt that Uti had disrespected his culture and ethnicity. Uti still maintains that he was only joking, and he shared his thoughts with Sheila and Lerato in the kitchen. Uti maintains to this day that he was just joking. While standing in the kitchen he told them that he was just joking and that he didn’t mean to offend Yacob, but the Ethiopian had taken it way too seriously.  Lerato and Sheila told him not to worry because he had already apologized to Yacob and said he should move on.



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