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Clever Design Ideas for a More Inviting and Productive Office Space



Regardless of whether you have a home office or work in an office building, your work space needs to have certain characteristics to it. Every employee that works within an office should feel like they are looked after, and like they have the modern conveniences they need during typical working hours. After all, we spend long hours in our working spaces, and employers should make sure that if an office isn’t cutting it anymore, it’s time to look for an office space ready to rent in Washington. It can help boost the morale of the team and get the teamwork to be stronger than ever before.

Furniture Placement

You want to be able to have an inviting atmosphere, and you’ll be surprised to know that the furniture placement has a lot to do with this. You want to look around for office furniture that looks good, but is also functional and isn’t uncomfortable to use. You can get ideas on office furniture at Big Save, that is affordable and also very convenient. Remember that people spend hours upon hours in the office so it’s important to keep this in mind when getting an office furniture. Try to place bean bags in certain corners to promote time-outs in the workspace as well. You can even think of getting an oddly shaped chair so that the employees can have a bit of fun with the furniture.

Another thing you could try is a chair cushion. By no means am I talking about a standard cushion you’d have on your dining chair…far from it! I am referring to orthopedic (or ergonomic) seat cushions that actually help to reduce strain and pain while improving your team’s productivity. They come in different shapes, sizes and materials. Some of them are great for back pain whereas others help to deal with fatigue from sitting. Check them out.

Motivational Imagery

The walls in the office don’t have to be dull and empty. This is something that you and the employees stare at for hours, so it’s not a bad idea to have murals done and changed every now and then, or even have motivational quotes put up with them on a monthly or weekly basis. 


Interactive Options

There’s nothing more productive than interaction. Technology has come a long way and there are so many different things that you can have in the office that will not only make it look good, but will allow people to become more productive and motivated. Something as simple as having whiteboards or glass walls assigned specifically for brainstorming in different departments will be extremely motivational. In any situation, using foam seat cushions such as memory foam seat cushion and comfortable seating should have an impact on your productivity. You can also dedicate a wall that can have ideas posted on it for a specific project using post it. If you’re willing to spend a little more, there are also interactive whiteboards, where you can have images projected and draw or write on them as you please. 

The Importance Of Colors

Don’t underestimate the effects of color on a person’s mood. If you have dull colors that are uniform throughout the office space, it’s bound to really bring people down. So don’t be afraid to add pops of color to brighten the mood in the office. You can do so by bringing in colorful furniture, beanbags, or you can even consider placing a couple of rugs around the office. Don’t forget how effective a work of art can be. Modern art in particular can be full of shapes, lines and colors, and this is bound to get the wheels turning. 

Less Is More

As much as you want to add to the office space to make it more inviting, you have to be careful to not overdo it so that the senses do not become overwhelmed. Whatever you do in terms of color or furniture, make sure that you don’t go overboard. The less you have, the less clutter there is, the more productive and focused everyone will be. People need empty spaces as well to be able to walk back and forth to gather their thoughts, so always keep this in mind as you design the office.


Most people go to work during the day, so you want to ensure that the office has the option to let in as much natural light as possible. But you want to be able to control it as well. So having floor-to-ceiling glass windows is not a bad idea as long as you have effective blinds that you can utilize when the light gets too bright. You also want to take into consideration that there are people that work nights, so the lighting shouldn’t be too invasive, but enough to provide lighting so that their eyes don’t hurt. Consider having individual lights at each desk, such as LED desk lamps.  


Fun Organization

Every office needs organization. You have papers and stationary and machinery that is used on a daily basis. So why not make it look less hostile or boring? Get pen holders, stapler and hole punches that are colorful and use personalized embossed stationery. When it comes to filing, use colorful dividers and make sure that the file cabinets are vertical so that they don’t clump up the office by taking up too much space. Assign a room for the photocopying machine so that it doesn’t take up space as well. 

Snack Station

By assigning a small corner to provide the workspace with healthy snacks, you’ll be sure to cheer them up. Many people tend to get caught up in their work and neglect their bodies by not eating enough, or not at all-or they just decide to have junk food instead. By having a healthy snack station you encourage the employees to take a little break and to also get proper nourishment. Having a snack station with a basket of fruits or a healthy snack vending machine could encourage the employees to take a little break and get proper nourishment.

Personalize Workstations

By encouraging each employee to add their own personal touch to their workstation, it helps them feel that much more comfortable at their seat. You can even put dividers between each person so that they can have a sense of privacy. Encourage them to put plants or pictures of their loved ones, or even little knick knacks that might cheer them up as they go about their day.



Your workspace is pretty much your home away from home, because in many cases, you probably spend more time there than you do at home. Or if you work at home, then your office is an important fixture in your day. Either way, it’s a place where you need to be motivated as well as focused. If you take the tips we’ve provided, and implement them, you’ll see the change for yourself. Appealing to the well being of yourself and the people you work with will do wonders when it comes to being productive. 



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