
Ghanaians Are Gradually Losing Interest In Gospel Music – A.F Benjamin



Ghanaian budding gospel musician by name Aggrey-Fynn Benjamin (AF Benjamin) with the a.k.a “Chosen One” has posited in an interview the reasons for the dwindling interest in Ghanaian gospel music.   The singer who professionally launched his career with the hit single “Great You Are” stated lack of passion, no waiting on God for direction, little investment of time and resources, poor quality of production and lack of appropriate platforms for the gospel musician to thrive and grow among others.   In an interview, Benjamin stating his reasons noted the following, “The time invested in production lately is little, look at the kind of songs we produce, see a song like “Borborliborbor”. The production is not the best. Most artists now don’t even go for waiting to hear from the Lord, they do as they wish leaving God behind.”   Challenged on if or not gospel arts go for waiting lately by the host, he stressed, “If they go for waiting, will they be fighting among themselves? We as gospel people lack the needed platforms as well, how many gospel centered shows do we have in this country. We need to sit up, cross our T’s and dot our I’s so we can propel the gospel to the ends of the earth.”   The “Chosen One” rounding up his time expressed optimism about the future of gospel music in Ghana as he strongly believes the industry has grown tremendously over the years and still has more room to cover.   AF Benjamin with support from his team is readying a host of spirit filled songs, audio visuals and activities aimed at entrenching his brand and to resound the needed enthusiasm needed to thrust the gospel music industry.   Below is a video link to the audio visual of his debut single “Great You Are”. For prompt updates, kindly follow on his social media pages; Facebook; AF Benjamin Twitter; @AFBenjaminGH and Instagram; @AFBenjaminGH   https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/great-you-are-single/1439131664   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aJ2HhcO1jgY]]>


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