People & Lifestyle

How to Mail Order Cannabis at your Doorstep today



Marijuana consumption is typically believed to be harmful to health around the world. However, the fact that it provides various health benefits might take you by shock. 

This article will discuss some of the medical benefits that marijuana has to offer. For further information, check out buy weed online from HighGlowCo. Canada

A Brief History of Marijuana

To get started, let’s travel back to 2737 BC. History says that the first direct reference was discovered in China. The Chinese emperor Shen Nung’s writings were the home to this reference. Cannabis was first employed for psychoactive compounds. 


Over the course, its use traveled from China to India then to North America. It eventually ended up in Europe in 500 AD. The United States Pharmacopeia recognized weed from 1850 to 1942. It was employed for treating various medical conditions like nausea, labor pain, pain, and rheumatism.  From CBD infused beverages to CBD gummies, or even just CBD tea, marijuana has been used in so many forms to help with pain management.

THC, an active element of marijuana, was synthesized in 1966 to make it more medically acceptable. Finally, the US FDA approved it in 1985. 

The Medicine Institute of the United States of America discovered the therapeutic qualities of cannabis in some medical illnesses such as chemotherapy-induced nausea and AIDS-related wasting. It was found in a 1999 project funded by the US government.

Since 1999 various types of research have been conducted to prove that smoked weed has pain-relieving properties. The first-ever state to legalize marijuana in 1996 for the medical purpose was California. Nowadays, nearly all states have some form of medical cannabis laws. You can now get medication from the best mail order weed Canada among other options. 


Marijuana’s Health Benefits

You will be surprised to learn why numerous studies were performed on marijuana. Here is a list of some medical benefits provided by marijuana. 

  • Delays and Stops Cancer Cell Proliferation

Cannabidiol has been discovered to have the potential to halt cancer by switching off a gene known as Id-1. CBD was first identified in 2007 as having the ability to suppress disease from developing.

Cancer cells were treated with cannabidiol by the researchers when they had a massive concentration of Id-1. The cells had lower Id-1 activity and were less vigorous instigators as a result of the study. However, it was discovered that cannabis effectively slows tumor progression in the nervous system, breast, and lungs.


  • Alzheimer’s Disease Prevention

The primary element in marijuana, THC, helps to reduce the onset of Alzheimer’s disease. THC reduces the creation of amyloid plaques by inhibiting the enzyme that produces them. These deposits damage brain cells, possibly resulting in Alzheimer’s disease.

  • Glaucoma Treatment

Glaucoma causes the pressure inside the eyeballs to rise, harming the optic nerve, leading to visual loss. Weed can also be employed to treat the disease. Marijuana, as per the National Eye Institute, decreases intraocular pressure, which can forestall blindness.

  • Aid for Crohn’s disease

Weed may aid in the treatment of Crohn’s disease. Crohn’s disease is an inflammatory gastrointestinal illness that causes symptoms such as discomfort, vomiting, diarrhea, and weight loss. Cannabis THC appears to aid in the management of microorganisms and gastrointestinal activity in the gut.



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