People & Lifestyle

Joselyn Dumas, Okyeame Kwame and Jay Foley raise funds for their charities at Celebrity Charity Ball



The Charity Helpers, an NGO that seeks to help the less fortunate in society has successfully raised several thousands of Ghanaian cedis for various charities ran by 3 Ghanaian celebrities via a charity and dinner dance at the Accra International Conference Centre recently. As part of reaching out to identified groups of less privileged in society, The Charity Helpers orgamized the Celebrity Charity Ball in collaboration with actress and TV personality Joselyn Dumas, rapper Okyeame Kwame, and radio and television personality, Jay Foley to raise funds for various charity programs run by these celebrities. These programs include Hepatitis B by Okyeame Kwame, Terminal Ill Children by Joselyn Dumas and Malaria by Jay Foley. The ball which witnessed performances by Yaayaa and Ofie Kodjoe has the head of the Weija Leprosarium, Reverend Father Campbell as a special guest of honour. He shared his experiences with charity work and the importance of giving to the needy with the guests.  Jay Foley and Okyeame Kwame were present at the ceremony but Joselyn Dumas could not join due to an ailment. The ball was hosted by Kafui Dey and Kokui Selormey, who also led the auctioning process.  Items including a digitalized painting and a special cake were auctioned on the night. The Celebrity Charity Ball is expected to act as the fore-runner to Season 1 of the television reality show dubbed ‘The Celebrity Charity Challenge Show’ which will pitch celebrities against each other in marketing products and services as well as completing other corporate tasks for sponsoring events in a bid to raise money for their charities. All tasks and charity project related issues will be subject to monitoring and evaluation by a panel of judges on a weekly basis and also on a phase by phase project development status. ]]>


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