People & Lifestyle
Mac-Jordan Degadjor becomes Ghana’s First Internet Freedom Fellow
The Internet Freedom Fellows program brings human rights activists from across the globe to Geneva, Washington, and Silicon Valley to meet with fellow activists, U.S. and international government leaders, and members of civil society and the private sector engaged in technology and human rights. A key goal of the program is to share experiences and lessons learned on the importance of a free Internet to the promotion of freedom of expression and freedom of assembly as fundamental human rights. Launched in 2011, the program is run by the U.S. Mission to the United Nations in Geneva. Mac-Jordan Degadjor is one of Ghanaâ™s most skilled social media advocates. An executive of Blogging Ghana, Mac-Jordan promotes the freedom of expression through blogs and social media both on and off-line. He together with other forward-leaning Ghanaians have organized 18 BarCamps across Ghana since 2009 inspiring youth to get on-line where ever and however they can, making sure they have Ghanaian peers available to walk them through tech challenges. We congratulate Mr. Degadjor and appreciate his participation in the West African Cybersecurity and Cybercrime Workshop #CyberSecWA Internet Freedom panel held in Ghana January 29 â“ 31, 2013.We look forward to following him @MacJordaN and on this blog as he meets with other international online activists and shares his uniquely Ghanaian perspective with the Internet Freedom Fellows #IFF2013]]>