
Merry Christmas – it’s the thought that counts !



As I sit in my room on Christmas Eve pondering over my scanty Christmas gifts for this year, I take consolation in the fact that in the spirit of the season, it is often the thought that counts. It isn’t the number of hampers you receive that means you are loved; a simple and sincere message of well-wishing is often all we need.   I remember that on one of my numerous train trips into London, while in the UK  in November, I was seated opposite a lady who was busily sorting out a pack of miniature Christmas cards. It was a pack of 24 cards and she had a list of names, (probably names of her neighbours) that she was addressing the cards to. She would scribble some few words on the cards and make sure she put it in the right envelope with the right recipient. I looked on amazed by her attention to details and couldn’t help but smile when I noticed that she had made a mistake with one card. She probably said to herself, “bummer! I have to go back to shop to get ‘Jack’ a new card”. Then, I wondered if she was doing all this because she sincerely cared about the people she was sending the cards to or was doing it as a mere formality. But I said to myself that no matter her reason, it was the thought that counts.   So, for all those who have wished me a merry Christmas or are yet to do so, I say a big thank you and I wish you the best of the festive season. For those who got me gifts, I am very grateful and may God bless you! Also for those that received gifts from me (hmm I lie I lie), I hope you enjoy your gifts.   As we celebrate the birth of Christ, I am even more grateful to God for a wonderful year full of challenges and plenty of growth and promise. It was the year I left my ‘salaried’ job as Entertainment Editor for Ghanaweb to pursue the interest of my blog fully. I did this with the hope that I can fall on my readers and friends like you to grow as a full time job. With dedication to my belief in celebrating Ghanaian entertainment, art and lifestyles; and a growing followership of like-minded individuals I believe that my dream is within reach. And bit by bit we will take the journey to success together.   The year saw my blog gaining recognition and nominations from the Ghana UK-Based Achievement (GUBA) Awards, National Youth Achievers Award, Ghana Fashion Awards and Accra Nightlife Awards. I am grateful to these awards for the recognition for the work I put into my blog and I promise to improve on it in the coming years. I also launched, a general news site and, a celebrity photo blog this year; and again with the support of people like you, both will also grow to fill whatever need they can.   So in the spirit of the season, I say ‘Thank You, Merry Christmas And A Prosperous New Year!’]]>


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