
Nana Aba Anamoah’s 2020 Range Rover gift is for my boyfriend- Adu Safowah claims



Actress and Television Presenter, Regina Adu Safowaah has made bold claims that the Range Rover birthday present Nana Aba Anamoah received last year belongs to her boyfriend.

It will be recalled that on her 40th birthday last year, ace broadcaster Nana Aba Anamoah was presented with a Range Rover gift from an undisclosed person.

The news of her present quickly went viral on social media and made headlines after it turned out that the number plate was registered to a white Nissan Rogue.

One year down the line, Ms. Adu Safowaah in an Instagram post has alleged that the said Range Rover belongs to her boyfriend.


According to her, the Range Rover is not Ms. Anamoah’s signed property. She also alleged that she and her boyfriend are getting ready to take back the car by the close of Friday.

“Dear Social media, the Range Rover slay queens mistress posted last year in name of present is My bfs Range Rover…. I kept quiet cux I felt it social media hype ….. it not her property till date. I will deal with you cux my bf has asked me to…. By close of Friday, we will take the car…. You are even chopping his friend now. Who ever cursed you caused you pain. At 47, you need your own old Man 👴. Not a young guy at 30 plus… slay queens tv presenter madam…. E go over u,” she wrote on Instagram.

See her post below;


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