People & Lifestyle

‘Noodle Makes New Friends’ Teaches Children to Celebrate Each Other’s Differences



In her new book, ‘Noodle Makes New Friends’, author Erica Bayes teaches children to celebrate each other’s differences.

In her new book, Noodle Makes New Friends, written for children ages three through ten, author Erica Bayes teaches children to celebrate each other’s differences.  In the first installment of the Noodle’s Grand Adventures series of children’s books, young readers are introduced to Noodle, a Golden Conure, and all her friends at Canopy Elementary School. At school, Noodle meets many friends who are differently abled, including Lemon, a leopard with a crumpled paw who loves to do art, and Sam, an autistic frog who loves to cook, teaching kids that many people face struggles we can’t always see with our eyes.  Through Noodle’s friends, children learn to accept each other, and to learn about other people, instead of judging them by their exterior or their circumstances. Bayes says, “It is my hope that this book will lead to open communication between children, teachers, and parents about understanding each other’s differences.  This book is meant to teach children that differences are to be celebrated, not feared, and that they may find out they have more in common with someone who seems different than they think, and that realization can be the foundation for friendships.” Bayes decided to write stories involving Noodle when the young parrot became quite the local celebrity upon escaping Mrs. Bayes’s home and traveling the small town in Florida where she lives for four days.  Palm Beach TV stations were quick to interview Mrs. Bayes and assist in the hunt for Noodle. “The outpouring of my town was overwhelming,” states Bayes.  Noodle was found in critical condition and stunned local avian veterinarians with her miraculous 100 percent recovery from a failing liver, which resulted from not eating or drinking in the wild for four days.   Noodle is a Queen of Bavaria Conure, a vulnerable species from South America.  According to current statistics with the World Parrot Trust, there are estimated 2,449 in their native Brazil. Noodle lives an amazing life with her family in subtropical Florida. Erica Bayes is debuting her first work as an author in an adorable series for children, Noodle’s Grand Adventures. The book series features her endangered pet Conure, Noodle.  Installments of the books are inspired by real-life circumstances.  Bayes is a certified Avian Specialist and graduate of veterinary science.   For more information, please visit Follow Erica Bayes on Facebook at Follow Erica Bayes on Instagram @ConureGram]]>


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