People & Lifestyle

A Piece of Peace: Down Today, Up Tomorrow

Hello and welcome to this weeks Piece of Peace, your weekly dose of motivation and inspiration. This week I would like to share with you on the topic, “Down Today, Up Tomorrow”. I will keep my message as brief as possible today. I just want to encourage those of you reading this that are going […]



piece of peace by peace hydeHello and welcome to this weeks Piece of Peace, your weekly dose of motivation and inspiration. This week I would like to share with you on the topic, “Down Today, Up Tomorrow”. I will keep my message as brief as possible today.

I just want to encourage those of you reading this that are going through difficult situations at the moment. One thing is certain in life and that is no matter what happens, you will always have bad days and good days. Sometimes we may even get one of those extremely difficult days, which threaten to destroy everything we have worked so hard to build. The real skill here is learning how to master those challenging days and turning the mess into positivity. We may sometimes feel like we are constantly facing a never-ending bombardment of issues but the truth is, our adversities are the things that help us develop the character we need to face tomorrows challenges. Every situation we face is equipping us with new knowledge and life experiences, which help mould our perception of the future, and how to best deal with problems that may arise.

It is never fun when things take a turn for the worst. Trust me I know. This week has been especially difficult. I had a project that I was working on for a number of years which fell through at the last minute. Everything seemed certain and ready for success and I honestly did not see how things collapsed. But I had to remind myself that the failure was making way for something much bigger and greater. Remember this when something unexpected happens to you next time. You are on a journey of greatness and that means that no one situation can determine your final outcome. You have everything it takes to change your personal circumstances. All you need to do is believe in your abilities and never stop working hard. Like my mentor always says, “when life hands you lemons, you make lemonade”. There is a silver lining in every situation and your ability to recover quickly from setbacks is predominantly determined by your perspective on that situation. Remember whether you think you can or whether you think cannot, you are right on both counts.

Adopt a positive mind-set to the problems that come your way and you will find the negative things that happen to you will not linger for longer than it needs to and no matter what you do, always remember, be yourself because everyone else is taken.

Much Love,


Peace Hyde.





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