People & Lifestyle

A Piece of Peace: Take the first step

Hello and welcome to a Piece of Peace, your weekly dose of motivation and inspiration. This week I would like to share on the topic “Take the first step”. Do you have a dream? Have you stayed up late at night imagining how amazing it would be if that dream suddenly becomes a reality? Are […]



Peace HydeHello and welcome to a Piece of Peace, your weekly dose of motivation and inspiration. This week I would like to share on the topic “Take the first step”. Do you have a dream? Have you stayed up late at night imagining how amazing it would be if that dream suddenly becomes a reality?

Are you scared that the dream could be taken away from you as you watch somebody else do the things you are still dreaming of doing? Well if you are anything like me, then the answer to most of the questions above is a resounding yes. I do have a dream and for me, it took a long time to actually have the courage to do something about it. Looking back at my reasons for delaying, it occurred to me that none of the reasons I told myself, in hindsight, made any sense. The only logical reason why I did not embark on my dreams was simply Fear. I was afraid of trying something out of my comfort zone. I was terrified about failing and most of all; I was scared of what my friends and family would think about my sudden change in career and life goals. It was a difficult decision to make. Today, we celebrate International Women’s Day and we praise the women, who were brave enough to take that big leap of faith and go out there everyday to achieve their fullest potential, let us remember one thing, they were also at a point in their lives, terrified about pursuing their dreams.
Great achievers and innovators do not sit back and wait for someone else to make things happen. They take the first step. They decide that no matter how difficult things may be, it is infinitely much better to at least try than to not do anything at all. The fight to achieve your dreams begins with a first step. You cannot sit in a moving vehicle and not move forward as my pastor always says. The only time things stop happening is when you decide to stop
Moving. You are in control of everything that happens in your life. Today don’t settle where you are. Your destiny is not determined by the economy, your past or what anyone thinks or says. Your destiny is determined by Almighty God. And he has given you everything you need to achieve it. All you need to do is take a leap of faith and take that first step. You will be amazed where that leads you and no matter what you do, always remember to be yourself, because everyone else is taken. 
Much Love,
Peace Hyde.


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