People & Lifestyle

See photos of Abeiku Santana's dad, mom, wife and kid as he graduates from UCC



Popular radio and TV personality, Abeiku ‘Santana’ Aggrey  has successfully finished his Masters in Tourism Management course at University of Cape Coast, and during his graduation on Saturday, he was surrounded by his lovely family.  Present were his father, mother and wife. Check out photos of his family Aside being known as a radio presenter, Abeiku Santana has achieved a B.A in Criminal Law, awarded to him at Rochville University (USA). And that is just one of the numerous accolades affixed to his name when it comes to his educational background. Global leadership training, USA conferred on him Excellence in Media Leadership for his exceptional accomplishment as a Broadcast Journalist and a Radio Presenter par excellence in the presence of H.L. Justice Mrs. Georgina T. Wood, Chief Justice of the Republic of Ghana at the 7th More Than Conquerors West Africa Leadership Conference held in Accra.   Abeiku Santana holds a Postgraduate Diploma in Public Administration from GIMPA and he has been inducted into the Chartered institute of Marketing Ghana since 2008. He holds an Honorary Doctorate Degree from Pan African Bible Seminar.]]>


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