‘Masquerades’, the much-anticipated family comedy co-written by actress Lydia Forson recently premiered at the Silverbird Cinema with cast member, Lydia Forson, Adjetey Anang and Senanu Gbedawo...
Broadcaster and CEO of Empire Entertainment, Bola Ray will team up with a-list Ghanaian celebrities to raise money for a noble charitable cause on Saturday, December...
After its inability to premiere last Christmas, the much-talked about comedy written by actress, Lydia Forson will premiere at the Silverbird Cinema in Accra, December 16....
Actress, Lydia Forson had a ‘wardrobe malfunction of the third kind’ at last weekend’s African Movie Academy Awards (AMAA) in Yenagoa, Bayelsa State, Nigeria. After making...
The impact of social media/networking continues to grow and both local and international celebrities haven’t been left out of the global buzz. Whether it’s a Fan...
Nigerian star actor, Desmond Elliot has revealed that he wishes to work on screen with Ghanaian actress, Lydia Forson so that he could kiss her luscious...
Star actress, Jackie Appiah is certainly having a good year. She recently followed her African Movie Academy Awards (AMAA) nod for best actress in a lead...
While ‘Sex in The City 2’ continues to enjoy patronage in cinemas across the globe, Ghana’s ultimate chick flick, ‘The Perfect Picture’ is also rumoured to...