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The Chase Is On: 28 Housemates enter Big Brother House



Big Brother Africa is the name, The Chase is the game. After an electrifying start to the evening, 28 of Africa’s sexiest singletons descended onto the Big Brother Live Show stage before making their way into the Rubies and Diamonds Houses. As is custom to the Big Brother Africa show, Season 8 will be full of surprises. The first twist of the evening was for the 14 female Housemates. The ladies were given a chance to determine which of the two Houses they would be moving into according to the male Housemate that they pick. But the catch was that they could not see the guys’ faces they had to pick the smile that they like the most out of the smiles of the 14 male Housemates that were displayed on screen on stage. After each female Housemate had picked the smile that she was most drawn to, the guy who the smile belongs to came out onto the stage carrying a yellow or red cloth that signified whether they would be headed to Rubies or Diamonds House. Although the Housemates walked into the Houses as pairs they will be competing as individuals and will spend the 91 days vying for each other’s affections for the USD 300 000 prize. Here is how the Housemates have been divided: Rubies: Pokello, Zambia LK4, Uganda Selly, Ghana Bassey, Sierra Leone Beverly, Nigeria Sulu, Zambia Cleo, Zambia Oneal, Botswana Maria, Namibia Melvin, Nigeria Natasha, Malawi Bigeusas, Angola Koketso, South Africa Hakeem, Zimbabwe Diamonds: Dellish, Namibi Angelo, South Africa Fatima, Malawi Nando, Tanzania Huddah, Kenya Bimp, Ethiopia Motamma, Botswana Neyll, Angola Feza, Tanzania Elikem, Ghana Betty, Ethiopia Bolt, Sierra Leone Annabel, Kenya Denzel, Uganda Now that the Housemates have been divided let The Chase begin.]]>


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