
Watch: DS Foe – Cross The Tracks



Buzzing new artist from Palm Beach, FL, DS Foe drops new visuals to his track, “Cross The Tracks”.

The rapper recently found out he had a son and posted on Instagram, “Found out bout my son & he gave me a new reason”


Maybe Miami and Fort Lauderdale get all the South Florida attention, but their somewhat smaller location sibling, Palm Beach County, shouldn’t be forgotten. Especially when it comes to hip-hop.


PBC acts, though they possess the same level of talent, seem to have a harder time gaining any solid notority from listeners outside of their county. This is either because they have become complacent with their local fame or outsiders just don’t know they’re there. If the latter is the case, we’re here to help. What follows are the top 10 rappers out of Palm Beach County that you need to be listening to.


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