
Watch: Edem campaigns for public figures to disseminate #covid-19 info in native languages



Since Ghana recorded its first 2 positive cases of the coronavirus, several celebrities have gone into ‘information sharing’ mode to help citizens navigate around the pandemic.

A lot of the information on safe practices that have been shared online by public figures have been done in the English Language.

In a bid to make sure that non-english  speaking citizens are able to understand what is being shared about the novel coronavirus, rapper Edem has asked fellow celebrities to make videos in the local dialect to disseminate the information instead.

In a Twitter post today, the ‘Ayigbe’ rapper started off the campaign by sharing a video of himself speaking in his native tongue and addressing the pandemic.


“All celebs..Kindly Kick it in your language to help disseminate the right facts to our people #Corona #Eweeducation #Ghanalanguage #Edem #Gogetem #Gbevu,” he captioned the video.

Watch video below:



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