
Watch: Wiyaala goes after Zionfelix after he wrote a headline that suggests she’s interested in men who are into child marriage



Yesterday, the “Lioness of Africa,” Wiyaala, made the headlines after she helped a 16-year-old girl escape child marriage.

According to reports, Wiyaala called for the arrest of the 36-year-old farmer from Halimbogie, near Funsi in the Upper West Region—who was forcing his way to marry a sixteen (16) year old girl.

When the story was first published on Ghanaweb, Wiyaala shared a screenshot of the story on her Instagram page with the caption:

“To any man thinking of marrying a child we have our eyes on you! #Roarrrrrr.”


The story was picked by several other blogs including

However, Zionfelix’s angle to which he wrote the story has caught the attention of Wiyaala and she’s not happy.

“I have my eyes on any man who wants to marry a small girl- Wiyaala warns,” the writer for wrote.


This headline however seems to suggest that Wiyaala is interested and would love to be with men who are into small girls.

Reacting to the headline in a video on her Instagram page, Wiyaala made clarifications and cautioned the blogger on his choice of headlines.

“While a lot of bloggers out there are posting and helping spread the word and supporting positively, others are beginning to twist the story,” she said in the video.

“This is going out to Zionfelix, yes I’ve seen your headline and I’m not happy with it. You are letting people attack me personally,” she added.

Watch video below:



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