
“Wonnim odo di aa wose Kakalika 🦗”- Medikal fires back at Sister Derby‬

This week we have had it with Sister Derby, Medikal and Fella Makafui and their love triangle. But it seems they are not done with us yet as the story keeps  getting messier and nastier.  Sister Derby and Medikal who used to be an  item have been at each  other’s throats after Medikal started hanging […]





This week we have had it with Sister Derby, Medikal and Fella Makafui and their love triangle. But it seems they are not done with us yet as the story keeps  getting messier and nastier. 

Sister Derby and Medikal who used to be an  item have been at each  other’s throats after Medikal started hanging out with Actress Fela Makafui.

Earlier, there were rumors that they two had broken up. However, it was Medikal who confirmed the break up after he started posting Fella Makafui on his Instagram.

He went ahead to release a new song in which he called Fella Makafui his “new girl with the backside”.

Sister Deborah, did not hesitate to fight back and also went ahead to release a new single titled “Kakalika Love”, and threw some shots at Medikal and his new lover Fella Makafui.


Derby described the two as cockroaches and further revealed that Medikal saved Fella’s name as ‘carpenter’ when they were still dating.

Medikal however did not let the diss slide as he has responded in a post on Instagram.

He shared a photo with the caption: “Ayekoo drops on Saturday, my self Ft King Promise…Wonnim odo di aa wose Kakalika.”


Fella Makafui is yet to comment on any of these stories as she is calm, going about her business and enjoying her new “beau”.

We are tired of the back and forth already and we hope these two can just move on without shading each other the least chance they get.



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