
Celebration gone wrong; UEW graduate dies after failed backflip



A final year student of the University of Education, Winneba (UEW) has died after a bizarre turn of events on Tuesday, September 7.

Abdul Majeed Sani suffered severe injury to his spine while celebrating the completion of his undergraduat

Sani was a known gymnast with the Department of Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Sports who has represented the school at competitions performing various complicated maneuvers.

But on that Tuesday, the deceased and his colleagues were walking from the examination hall in jubilation when he attempted to execute a backflip.


UEW graduate dies after failed backflip in celebration of final exam

Unfortunately, Abdul failed in the stunt during the somersault and landed awkwardly on his neck.

A video sighted by shows students expressing a sudden shock, bringing the celebratory mood to an abrupt halt.

Another colleague of his explained that Sani had, moments earlier, successfully performed a set of acrobatic moves prior to the one caught on camera which he believes may have left him slightly destabilized

According to reports, Mr Sani was rushed to the Trauma and Specialist Hospital in Winneba for treatment.


He was subsequently transferred to a health facility in Accra where he is said to have died on Thursday.

The school’s Students Representative Council (SRC) has commiserated with the family of the deceased.




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