People & Lifestyle

4 Effective Strategies To Retain Customers For Your Restaurant



The culinary industry is a business type that has very fierce competition. Though food is something that people always need, the rise in the number of restaurant presents along with the rapidly changing food trends will make it even more difficult for you to maintain your restaurant business. It is not rare to see a restaurant close its business after only a couple of months of opening.

Just like any business, consumer satisfaction will certainly have an impact on the development of the business. Even more so for a restaurant, where it needs to be satisfying for the customers –for them to make a repeat purchase. If on the first try they find that your food is not good enough, the restaurant vibe is not suitable for what they want –they will be disappointed and it will refrain them from visiting or recommending your restaurant in the future. You can use some of these strategies below to achieve a successful restaurant business.

Choose An Attractive Concept

attracting customers to visit your restaurant is very important, especially so if you just opened. To attract people to visit your restaurant for the first time, you should ensure that you have a selling point in the form of a unique concept. It will be great if you can find a concept that others haven’t used before. Because it will help your restaurant to be interesting and stand up among the others.


You can also choose the concept of the restaurant based on the kind of food you want to sell. If you want to open a tacos restaurant, it will be great if the overall design and concept of your restaurant are in line with Mexican culture. Iif you want to sell western food such as pasta and steak, you might want to do a fancy and elegant design for the restaurant concept. Don’t hesitate to go the extra mile to leave a lasting impression on your new customers.

Great Price and Food Quality

These two are important factors that can help to decide whether your restaurant will be hit or miss. When people eat out, they will expect to have a delicious meal -not a half-hearted cooked one. Can you imagine paying for dinner that tastes below mediocre? Not going to give a good impression –does it? Thus why you should ensure that your food quality is extraordinary. Not only does it taste delicious but it also uses the best product to cook it. Because using high-quality ingredients will help to enrich your dish even more.

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Pay attention to the price of the food as well. If you are planning to open a fancy restaurant, then by all means you can set the food menu at a higher price. But if you’re planning to open a medium-scale restaurant, you should set a friendly price to attract customers. But remember, though you set the food price low –don’t dabble with the food quality. Because your food is the ultimate thing in your restaurant that can help to retain customers. Set a friendly price for high-quality food and guarantee your restaurant will be crowded!

A Comfortable Restaurant Space

Even if you have an attractive restaurant concept, along with delicious food –if your restaurant conditions are not proper, then it will go flop in no time. Ensure that your restaurant is spotlessly clean all the time. From the dining area, toilets for customers, and even the kitchen are! This is very important to ensure that you run a safe and successful establishment. The cleanliness of a restaurant is important to keep your customers safe, you don’t want to get sued due to customers getting sick after dining at your restaurant!

What you can do to avoid this is by creating a  commercial kitchen cleaning checklist. This checklist will be used as a guideline for you to ensure cleanliness in all areas of the restaurant. Rather than letting your kitchen staff do the cleaning, it will be better to hire an in-house cleaning service, whose sole responsibility is to clean up.


Aside from making sure of the restaurant’s cleanliness, you should also provide other things that could satisfy your customers even more. Such as providing Wi-Fi, and creating photo spots in your restaurant to make it more instagrammable. The customer satisfaction level is the ultimate factor in maintaining customer retention.

An Effective Marketing Plan

There are many traditional marketing methods that you can do, such as distributing brochures and placing flyers. But unfortunately, these marketing methods cost a lot of money and are not as effective. This is why it would be better to focus on modern marketing techniques, which utilize social media. You can set up a social media account and create an interactive website for your restaurant. If you are unsure of where to start with marketing your restaurant, you could reach out to restaurant consultants in your area to create a winning strategy.

Make the best use of social media, one of which is to promote the restaurant. You can reach more people, and attract customers if you have a strong online presence. You can also use social media to give announcements to customers. For example, if there is a new menu, current promos, and even when the restaurant must be closed due to certain reasons. Nowadays, social media is a must-have when you want to establish a business –especially so for a restaurant business.


You should also encourage your customers to write reviews or post themselves when they visit your restaurant. You can offer a promotion or free food, for people who tag your restaurant on social media. This can be a marketing strategy that helps to promote the business.

Maintaining customers for your restaurant is indeed tricky because everyone’s preferences will be different. No matter what you do or how good your food is, there will be customers whose taste buds are not compatible with your food. But though it is tricky, it does not mean that you can do some extra strategy to ensure that you can attract new customers as well as retain existing one!

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