People & Lifestyle

5 BIGGEST YouTube mistakes (2024)



Promolta has promoted 100,000 customers since 2012 and some of our clients are now household names.

Below are some big mistakes YouTubers are making in 2024.

1. Not improving with each video

Every video release should teach you something. This way you make SOME improvement with each upload. Try to improve retention, sharing, thumbnail, views … anything. As long as you do something so every video you release is better than the one before in some small way.

2. Quitting too soon

Too many YouTubers get started and quit. Yes, being a creator is HARD. It takes years of effort and loads of work. BUT … every great person succeeded because they did not quit. No matter what you face, keep going forward.


3. Not changing up

When a certain niche or video type is not working for a long time, you need to change up. Try NEW things. Don’t be afraid of change. Embrace change.

4. Too focused on monetization

Many creators are SUPER focused on monetization. BUT … making money on YouTube is best when you have a big fan base. It’s a much better strategy to focus on GROWTH and monetize when you have a significant fan base. Otherwise you chase 2 rabbits at once and catch neither one.

5. Not studying celebs

Many lessons can be learned from huge YouTubers. You should regularly study the big creators and pull out some lessons. Keep in mind the NOBODY will explicitly tell you the lesson but you have to extract it from what the big creators actually do. How do their videos look? What happens in them? How do they hook viewers? etc.

Promolta is always here if your videos need a slight viral push. We would get your videos seen on blogs, games, apps, and websites. This way a lot more people will discover your content.


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