People & Lifestyle

5 of the Most Frequently Asked CBD Questions



CBD is a non-Psychoactive compound, So is it legal?


The legality of CBD depends entirely on where you live. At the federal level, all products made with cannabis or cannabis are prohibited as Schedule I substances, including CBD. A recent DEA statement noted that all CBD products contain at least traces of other cannabinoids, like THC, CBG, and CBC.

If a CBD product could be made with just isolated CBD spray, it would be classified under a special exemption, as part of the new drug code 7350. CBD sprays are available at

The medical cannabis community has made a special effort to promote CBD in recent years, arguing that it has no health risks or potential for abuse since it isn’t psychoactive. Many states have brought in CBD laws to offer access to CBD products for qualified patients. And in states where marijuana is legal, CBD products and THC products that contain CBD can be purchased without even needing a medical marijuana card.


Is THC present in CBD products?


THC is only present in CBD products if you want it to be. In states with many medical cannabis options, patients can choose between high-THC, high-CBD, and one-to-one products. The cannabinoid profile of a product can always be found on the label.

Many scientists believe that CBD, THC and every other cannabis compound are enhanced when used in conjunction with other compounds, instead of when isolated. Hence why some users want to have THC in their medical cannabis – it’s not necessarily because they want the psychoactive effects.

However, for users in states with more restrictive medical cannabis legislation, CBD products may be the only ones. For these patients, the choice is usually between full-spectrum CBD and CBD-isolate. While the former may contain minute concentrations of THC, it will never exceed the 0.3 percent federal limit, according to Area52.

The hemp-derived CBD products, which are legal in all 50 states, also conform to the 0.3 percent THC threshold.


Can I buy CBD online?


The internet is full of obscure sites claiming to sell CBD products. However, many do not clarify what they are selling and if what they are selling is legal. In 2015, the FDA uncovered that many companies were deceiving consumers about how much CBD was in their products, with some concerningly not even having any CBD at all.

The federal government continues to classify all parts of the cannabis plant as illegal. This technically still applies in states that have legalized marijuana – although the federal government is supposed to not supersede states that have chosen to legalize.

The CBD products that you see here at are legal because they do not exceed the 0.3% THC limit and are derived from the hemp plant – the hemp plant is a strain of Cannabis Sativa. Still, it is much different from normal cannabis and isn’t imposed with the same level of prohibition. The 2014 Farm Bill reduced industrial hemp restrictions, much of which is imported from northern Europe, further still.

How can I use CBD effectively?

For fast relief: CBD vape cartridges from, CBD e-liquids, CBD concentrates, and CBD topicals are the most effective, as these get the cannabinoids into your bloodstream more quickly than other methods. CBD transdermal patches are good if you would rather not ingest or inhale CBD.


For sustained relief: “Fast relief” products kick in after just a few minutes but tend to wear off after two or three hours. You could just top up, but if this isn’t practical, a CBD product that provides several hours of relief is more suitable. These include CBD tinctures and CBD edibles – the only downside is that it may take an hour or longer for the CBD to start working.

Do I need a Medical Marijuana Card to Purchase CBD?


This depends on the state you live in and the CBD products you wish to buy. For those derived from cannabis, yes, unless you live in a recreational state, you just need to be 21 years old. Hemp-based CBD products do not require a card.




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