People & Lifestyle

8 Reasons Students Should Maintain Healthy Lifestyle



A healthy lifestyle is a vital issue, but also one that most people do not take seriously. They need to strive to remain healthy, in good shape, and attentive. Unhealthy habits come around quite easily but breaking them can be an uphill task.

Living a healthy lifestyle is a challenge to many people because it requires high discipline and determination. Most people start and fall off shortly after. On the other hand, an unhealthy lifestyle comes with guilt and the bugging feeling that you can and should do better. Both lifestyles have demands, and it is up to you to choose your struggle.

Students face a big challenge when it comes to a healthy lifestyle because they cannot strike a balance between their busy school schedule characterized by lectures, group discussions and assignments, and social life. Who doesn’t want to have some fun?

While having a school-life balance can be tricky, students have the option of hiring Peachy Essay to take care of their assignments while they focus on studying and having fun.


Habits that characterize unhealthy lifestyle

  • Binge eating and eating junk
  • Spending too much time on the phone
  • Being in unhealthy relationships
  • Sleeping for fewer hours or more hours than is appropriate
  • Engaging in harmful habits such as smoking, over indulging in alcohol, doing drugs, and crime on the extreme.
  • Failing to exercise regularly.
  • Skipping classes and failing to submit assignments on time

All these unhealthy habits can have adverse effects on your life in the future if you do not make a deliberate decision to start the journey towards a healthy lifestyle.

On the other hand, a healthy lifestyle comes with a bunch of benefits that will last for the rest of your life, as long as you remain on the right path.

Why should Students Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle?

·      To live a long healthy life

Our bodies have a way of giving back later in life, depending on the choices we make in our youthful days. This includes, what you eat, how you take care of your mental health, the social activities you engage in, and even the time you spend studying and acquiring knowledge.

If you make poor decisions in college, they might remain with you for the rest of your life. Unhealthy habits are also blamed for lifestyle diseases such as cancer, diabetes, and heart failure.

While aging is imminent, you do not want to look 80 when you are 50. You also need to move around at old age and not be on daily medication. The only way you can avoid this is by deciding to have a healthy lifestyle while in college.


·      Improve creativity

A clear mind is a creative mind. The opposite is also true for a mind that is clogged. A healthy lifestyle that involves eating right, exercising, studying, enjoying social activities with friends all contribute towards having a clear mind.

·      You remain fit for a long time

Research in a retirement home indicated that people who exercised consistently in their youthful days were still fit in old age. They still had the stamina to jog and do some simple exercises in their 80’s and 90’s. Most people who were constrained on wheelchairs were not very active in their early years, of course, with the exemption of those involved in accidents.

·      You have a happy life

It is believed that exercising and eating the right kinds of food bring about a good mood. This has something to do with the production of the dopamine hormone, also known as the happiness hormone.

The production of dopamine is the brain’s way of rewarding you when you do something good. This explains the excellent feeling you get after a workout session or after doing a kind act.


·      You concentrate better

A healthy lifestyle is well balanced and organized. When for example, you wake up in the morning and start your days’ routine, with everything falling into place, your mind will be peaceful, and consequently, your level of concentration will be high.

Concentration also comes from eating foods that are rich in omega-3 fatty acids. You should make a point of eating seafood once in a while, even though, as a student, you might be having financial challenges.

If you can concentrate well during lectures, you will spend less time revising your notes, and you will also do well in your tests.

·      Have healthy relationships

Healthy relationships are an integral part of a healthy lifestyle. Students socialize, network with each other and even foster long-term relationships while in college. Most people meet their spouses in school.


Unhealthy relationships can be devastating and draining. They will drain your energy your self-esteem and even drive you into depression. As a student, you need to choose your circle carefully because the people you hang out with can make or break your future.

Business and professional networks start in college. Criminal gangs also form in colleges. It is, therefore, on you to decide the direction you want to take.

·      Save money

Most people believe that living a healthy lifestyle is an expensive affair. The opposite is true because all you need is a good plan. You do not need to subscribe to a gym membership if you cannot afford it.

Students engage in a lot of unhealthy activities that also leave them broke. While drinking and partying during weekends is harmless, some people visit clubs and drinking joints every evening throughout the week. After a few weeks, they are broke, stressed out, and in need of more booze. They can even go to the extent of borrowing to maintain the lifestyle.


·      You have healthy self-esteem

A healthy lifestyle is synonymous with healthy self-esteem. When you eat right, exercise well, and meet your goals, you feel good about yourself. It culminates in high self-esteem, self-worth, and self-care if it becomes a lifestyle.

Achieving your body goals and academic goals will boost your moods. A positive shift in your mood will make you feel good, boosting your self-esteem.

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