
Actor Prince David says it is not President Mahama’s fault…in response to Yvonne Nelson telling the President that Ghanaians are suffering

On Friday, actress Yvonne Nelson told President Mahama on tiwtter that  “Mr President. Ghanaians are suffering. The people of Ghana are SUFFERING. #fuel #electricity #water plsdosomething! Thank you,” . The President hasnt responded to these comments yet but Yvonne’s colleague actor Prince David Osei commenting on the statement,  said, “It’s good she tweeted that,  it’s […]



On Friday, actress Yvonne Nelson told President Mahama on tiwtter that  “Mr President. Ghanaians are suffering. The people of Ghana are SUFFERING. #fuel #electricity #water plsdosomething! Thank you,” . The President hasnt responded to these comments yet but Yvonne’s colleague actor Prince David Osei commenting on the statement,  said, “It’s good she tweeted that,  it’s bringing some kind of awareness and letting the president know that, people like us also care about how the country goes.”

He, however, conceded that the whole world is going through that bad economic phase and that it not a problem peculiar to Ghana.

“… I think it’s a global thing because the American government is even going down, so generally it’s not about  Mahama but he just got into office and as he rightly said the other time on TV, when you start a car, you move to the first gear, you move to the second, it then accelerate further. So I think Mahama is in the right direction.”

“Rome was not built in a day. I believe we all need to sacrifice and endure for some time and hopefully next year will be very great. It’s not wrong that, she’s shown concern that Ghanaians are suffering. Literally we are suffering with the frustration of fuel prices, electricity tariffs being increased by almost 80%, it’s not been easy for the layman but all the same, it’s a global thing.”



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