
Being a comedian alone is not enough to make you a qualified person to MC – Nathaniel Attoh



Television/Radio personality and events host, Nathaniel Atto has stated that having a comedic presence is not qualification enough for one to be a master of ceremony (MC).

According to Nathaniel, in an interview on Joy FM’s Showbiz A-Z, while comedians can be event emcees, being humorous is not the only quality required to accomplish the job.

Nathaniel made this assertion in response to comic OB Amponsah’s plea that comedians be considered for event hosting roles.


“OB is one person I have introduced on stage quite a number of times. He is a wonderful gentleman, a fine performer and a natural as well. But you see it depends on what the event organiser wants or the originator of the event is looking for, if the originator of the event says we are having a 40th birthday party and today we just wanna let our heads down, no dress code, we are just coming in there, give us good music from the band stand, play some very good music on the DJ’s console, then you can have a comedian who is good at steering events from the start to the finish. Being a comedian alone is not enough to make you a qualified person to MC,” Nat told the host Kwame Dadzie.

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He further described a situation in which a comedian serving as the program’s emcee made a careless joke about someone’s passing.

“Let me give you the second example, I remember I had a very unfortunate experience and this time because it’s negative I wouldn’t want to mention a name, I attended an award ceremony and had to present two awards at the Marriott Airport, this was just 2 years ago and the comedian we all do know him, fantastic guy on the mic but then a nominee was mentioned and the nominee won, and in the Bio, when the nominee video was playing, one thing that was said in a short video was that she lost her father, and her father is the inspiration behind getting her to do what she is doing well based on which she’s been awarded, guess what this comedian/ emcee of the night said, passed a joke about the man who had passed on. This is a point of emotion, pain for the person who had won the award and this comedian passed an irresponsible comment (joke) about it,” he stated.


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