
Empress Gifty Says Making Promotional Videos For Events Don’t Make Musicians Cheap



One of Ghana’s finest award-winning gospel musicians, Empress Gifty Adorye, has encouraged musicians to do promotional videos for events they are booked for since it does not in anyway make them cheap.

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According to her, event marketing has changed and shifted into a more digitalized form due to the widespread of social media platforms such as Facebook, Whatsapp, Tiktok, Instagram amongst others. She emphasizied that the creation of promotional videos for events  meant to be marketed on social media has become an important approach for publicity.

The ‘Adom’ singer, on UTV’s United Showbiz on July, 29, 2023,  divulged that times were changing in the digital area for which her fellow crooners  must understand and play to its dictates.

The fashionista explained  by saying, “Even with the church now, if you are invited for a programme and you don’t do a promotional video, they don’t believe you will come for the event unless they see videos to confirm your commitments so that in the event that you don’t come as earlier agreed, they can use the video to hold you accountable.”


Read also: I Earn More Money From International GIGS Than GIGS From Funeral And Weddings – Empress Gifty

 She continued; “So for now, videos are part of the promotional strategies, at least in the new era that we are in.  It’s not a matter of whether it’s in the contract or not. At first, it wasn’t but it is now. Besides, I don’t think it’s too much of a burden because it is also good for the artiste.”

 Gifty further urged advised her colleagues to  always understand the demands of event organisers and in most cases, contract terms when contacted for shows before they agree to it.  “As an artiste, you need to check the contract from event oganisers so that if there’s anything that you don’t agree to it or can’t do it, you just let them know. For instance, if you can’t do create three promotional videos for the event and can only do one, you should make them know and understand,” she stated.


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