People & Lifestyle

Experiencing an Engagement Drop on Instagram? Here’s What to Do!



The rumors are true: Instagram engagement is down for traditional posts.

With the introduction of Reels, engagement has been declining year-over-year for carousel, single-image, and in-feed video posts.

He went from cooking on Instagram to owning a food truck in Atlanta and more… Quabena’s Kitchen

The good news? Everyone is in the same boat. 

Why Has Instagram Engagement Dropped in 2022 for Feed Posts?


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Instagram engagement rates have dropped for most accounts in 2022 due tothree main factors: 

  1. Instagram Reels – Instagram’s focus on Reels has meant that other feed formats have taken a hit in engagement.
  2. Suggested Content in the Main Home Feed – There have been a lot of feed updates on Instagram recently — from the new Home feed views to the introduction of the more suggested content in Instagram’s main Home feed. With this change, some posts may not get as much exposure as they once did — leading to a potential decline in engagement.
  3. Less Scrolling By Users – While the number of people using Instagram continues to grow, the decline in time spent on the appdoes reflect a shift in how users are engaging with it.

5 Things To Do When Your Instagram Engagement Is Down

First things first — try not to take it personally. Engagement rates have taken a hit for everyone, but it’s not all gloom and doom.

The future of Instagram presents new storytelling opportunities and ways to promote your business.


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Here are 5 ways to adjust your Instagram strategy to increase engagement in 2022:

  1. Share more Instagram Reels
  2. Put keywords at the heart of your strategy
  3. Audit your followers and remove spam accounts
  4. Experiment with different carousel posts
  5. Post when your audience is most engaged

And there you have it! Instagram is constantly evolving, so what once worked for your account might not work in 2022.

However, with an updated strategy, you can still see growth in engagement on Instagram.

Try these tips, check your analytics, rinse and repeat. 

We’re here to help you with your strategy, content, and engagement.
If you need any help or have any questions, reply to this email!


Enjoy Instagramming!

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