People & Lifestyle

External Maintenance and Upgrades You Need to Perform to Give Your Customers the Best Experience



As a business owner, it is important to simply see your customers as people and pre-empt what they might like from your premises. By seeing your company from their perspective, you will be able to ensure that you give them a memorable and smooth encounter with your company and that they will come away seeing your business in a positive light. However, when you are trying to give them the best experience possible, the area of your company that you need to think about first is the exterior of your building. This is what will give your customers their first impression of your business. So, here are some of the external maintenance and upgrades you should perform to give your clientele the best day from the moment they step onto your site. 

New Paving

If your clientele tends to be pedestrians, you need to think carefully about the type of paving that you have laid down around your store. Uneven paving can put your customers off as they might worry about the fact that they could fall and injure themselves. They may also worry about damaging their footwear, or the experience of walking on this paving might simply be uncomfortable after a while. This could mean that your customers leave your store quicker. Good paving is especially important for your business if there are no handrails, there are level changes, and if your target audience is elderly or is prone to health issues that could impair their mobility. The new paving that you choose should be smooth and easy to walk over without being slippery, and you should ensure that this paving is suitable for all weather. Including rain and snow, or else you may find that you are receiving complaints and even lawsuits. You should also make sure that this paving matches the décor and ambiance of your building. Consider adding the handrails for extra peace of mind. 

Parking Lot Upgrades 


Many stores are in out-of-town centers that your customers need to drive to. If that is the case, you will likely have a large parking lot in which your customers can park and leave their cars while shopping. However, this parking lot should have the same amount of care put into it as the rest of your business. You should make sure that your parking lot’s surface is smooth and without potholes and cracks, and you should make sure that it is clear of oil leaks and damage from hot weather. If your parking lot is not up to scratch, you should consider replacing it and choosing parking lot paving that is incredibly durable and will last a long time. One of the best materials for this is concrete, which looks smart for a long time if maintained frequently. Consider installing parking lot shade structures to protect vehicles from the elements and enhance the overall appearance of your parking area.

Better Signage

You should also make sure that visiting your premises is not a hassle for potential customers. You can do this by improving the signage in and around your business. This can ensure that your customers always know where to go and do not struggle to find your company. Otherwise, you might miss out on customers as they turn around and go elsewhere, or your customers might arrive feeling disgruntled and not in the mood to shop with you. You should check that these signs are easy to read for drivers and pedestrians and that they clarify which direction your customers need to head in. They should also be a noticeable color and large enough to attract attention. You should make sure that overgrown hedges and shrubbery do not surround them. Attention to detail like this can make a huge difference. 

Flower Beds and Plants 


Suppose you want to make sure that there are no holes in the public perception of your business, and you want your customers to forget about all their troubles when they are shopping with you. In that case, you should consider making your building and its surroundings look like a wonderful place to shop. You can do this by upping the beauty of your site by planting flowerbeds and other plants around the area. These can boost the mood of anyone passing by, and their smells can set off positive memories for some people. These gorgeous flowers can draw the eye to your company and garner interest in your company from passers-by. You may also find that the area in and around your business is kept fresher by these plants. 

Security Cameras 

People want to feel safe when they visit your business. Although they might not actively be looking to see whether you have security cameras, they definitely will be if a crime or emergency happens on your premises. By installing security cameras, you will be able to put your guests’ minds at rest and prioritize their safety. Furthermore, installing security cameras may mean that you put off criminals from trying to access your site and that you are able to give the police all the relevant details that they require if a crime does occur and affect you and your customers. 

Accessible Ramps and Features


To make sure that your business is not barred to anyone, you should put a lot of effort into making it accessible. For instance, you might install accessible ramps rather than stairs up to your company’s door, or you might implement an outdoor wheelchair lift for disabled visitors. By doing this, you will show that you care for each of your guests and value equality. These ramps can also mean that every single customer that passes your business is able to have the nice experience that you offer and come away with the intention of returning to your company. 

Outdoor Seating Areas

Outdoor seating can finish off the job of making your outdoor area welcoming to your customers, especially if you have a café or restaurant attached to your business. These outdoor seating areas can allow your guests to get some fresh air, relax and soak up the sun and the dopamine that it provides. You should look around for wooden or metal chairs and tables or upgrade the rotten or dirty ones you currently offer for customers to use. 


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