
Find Out Why Kanye West Gifted Kim Kardashian a 1Million Dollar Cheque



Kanye West loves treating his wife to unforgettable gifts and surprises. But while appearing on the Pretty Big Deal With Ashley Graham podcastKim Kardashianrevealed a Mother’s Day surprise you have to hear to believe. “He’s like the cutest. A brand offered me a million dollars to do a post on some of their clothing and they typically—I don’t want to say who the brand is—but they typically knock off Yeezy,” Kim recalled to Ashley Graham. “Let me ask Kanye how he feels about it and he says, ‘No babe. I really don’t want you to do that.’ Understandable but that’s a lot of money.” “Mother’s Day was like the next week. Mother’s Day comes and he happened to be recording out of town and I get my flowers and then I get an envelope delivered to the door. I opened the envelope and it was a million dollar check with a note saying thank you for always supporting me and not posting,” the woman behind KKW Beauty continued. “And then, in the rest of the envelope, it was a contract to be an owner of Yeezy—to have my percentage. And that was my Mother’s Day present.” Pretty impressive, right? And for those wondering, Kim joked that she absolutely cashed the check. Treat yourself, girl! During the interview, the Keeping Up With the Kardashians star explained that many outfits she wears typically inspire knock-offs online. It certainly was the case when she stepped out in a hot pink custom Yeezy mini dress during Kylie Jenner‘s 21st birthday party. “I said, ‘What we should do is have them pre-made. We know what we’re wearing and sell them on the site after.’ And he said, ‘No babe. I don’t really do dresses. That was just for you. Let them copy. It doesn’t really matter,'” Kim recalled. “He doesn’t really care, but a lot of them are Yeezy influence.” Ultimately, the mother-of-three always has her husband’s back personally and professionally. And in this case, perhaps it pays to be loyal. Source:]]>


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