People & Lifestyle

How Cladding Solutions Can Transform Your Home’s Exterior



Your home’s exterior is more than simply a protective shell; it is the first impression visitors and potential buyers will have. If you want to improve your home’s curb appeal, increase its value, and add an extra layer of protection against the elements, cladding could be the answer. Cladding not only provides a variety of cosmetic options, but it also improves insulation, minimises maintenance, and extends the overall life of your property. Modern cladding options can make your home’s exterior more appealing, energy-efficient, and durable. Whether you’re planning a total overhaul or a little upgrade, contact BPC Bradford to assist you.

What is cladding?

Cladding, widely regarded as the unseen hero of architectural design, is a versatile exterior covering that can revitalise any structure. From traditional brick cladding to sleek modern metal panels, the possibilities are endless and intriguing. Cladding not only improves the aesthetics of a structure, but it also serves crucial functional objectives, including insulation and weather protection.

Selecting the appropriate cladding material can radically affect the appearance and feel of your home’s exterior. Consider revitalising a boring facade with warm and characterful oak cladding or adding a modern touch with sharp aluminium panels. The choices are limitless, allowing homeowners to express themselves and make a strong first impression with their homes. Cladding provides an ideal canvas for architectural inventiveness, perfectly integrating form and function. 


Choosing the proper cladding for your home

When it comes to selecting the right cladding for your home, you must consider both aesthetic appeal and functionality. Different materials have distinct benefits, ranging from the classic elegance of wood to the current sleekness of metal panels. Consider the overall design of your home and how you want it to blend into its surroundings. Additionally, examine the maintenance requirements of each cladding option to verify that it is compatible with your lifestyle.

Beyond appearance, durability is an important consideration when selecting the correct cladding for your home. Climate and weather conditions can have a considerable impact on the durability of particular materials over time. Look for alternatives that are known for their durability and capacity to withstand environmental conditions such as rain, wind, and sunlight. Don’t overlook insulation capabilities; some cladding materials can help improve energy efficiency in your home while also offering an extra layer of protection. 

Types of Cladding Materials

  • Wood cladding

Woodgrain cladding combines the beauty of natural wood with the strength and low maintenance of contemporary materials. It is intended to simulate the appearance of real wood, providing a variety of benefits and possibilities for homeowners seeking the look of wood without the accompanying maintenance.

What you should consider when choosing woodgrain cladding

Durability and maintenance

Consider the long-term durability and maintenance needs. Composite and fiber cement alternatives often strike the optimum balance between attractiveness and low upkeep.

Impact on the environment


If sustainability is important to you, look for environmentally friendly choices. Some composite materials are manufactured with recycled content and have a lesser environmental impact.


Consider both the upfront cost and long-term maintenance charges. While some materials may have a higher initial cost, they can save money over time due to reduced maintenance requirements.



Some materials require professional installation. Make sure you select a product that is within your budget for both the material and the installation.

Local Climate

Consider how the material will perform in your particular climate. Some materials are better adapted to harsh weather conditions, whereas others may work better in milder environments.

Common woodgrain cladding combinations


– Woodgrain and metal provide warmth and an industrial sense, making them excellent for contemporary projects.

– Woodgrain and stone provide a natural and rustic appearance appropriate for both traditional and high-end homes.

– Woodgrain and Fiber Cement combine traditional elegance with modern durability, making it ideal for a variety of applications.

  • Plastic Cladding

Plastic cladding is a popular choice for exterior and interior wall coverings due to its durability, ease of maintenance, and low cost. It may take on the look of various materials, such as wood or stone, allowing aesthetic variety. 

Tips for Choosing Plastic Cladding


Climate and weather conditions

Ensure that the plastic coating you choose is appropriate for your local climate, especially if you have harsh temperatures or high humidity.


Consider both the upfront cost and the long-term maintenance charges. While plastic cladding is often inexpensive, higher-end materials such as UPVC might be more expensive.


Concerns about the environment

If sustainability is important to you, look into recycled or eco-friendly plastic solutions. Some manufacturers sell products produced from recycled materials.

Installation Process

Seek out professionals’ help to ensure that the installation process will be successful. 

  • Textured Cladding

Textured cladding is a versatile and visually appealing choice for adding depth and character to building exteriors and interiors. It can replicate natural materials such as stone, wood, or brick and comes in a variety of textures to fit different architectural styles.

Factors to Consider When Choosing Textured Cladding

Climate and weather conditions

Choose materials that can survive the local climate, such as temperature fluctuations, dampness, and UV exposure.



Determine the long-term maintenance requirements. Some materials may require regular cleaning or sealing to retain their appearance.


Balance the initial cost against long-term durability and maintenance costs. High-quality textured cladding may cost more up front, but it will last longer.



Consider the installation’s complexity. Some textured cladding materials require professional installation, which can increase the cost.

Whatever type of cladding you choose, choose materials and finishes that complement your home’s architectural style. To obtain the ideal effect, think about the colour, texture, and grain patterns. Select a style and finish that also suits your personal tastes.

Cladding solutions provide a diverse and fashionable method to improve the look of your home’s exterior. Cladding can be the ideal choice for adding a modern touch or maintaining a traditional look. It can also improve your home’s energy efficiency and durability, delivering long-term benefits. Consider looking at numerous cladding choices today to enhance your home’s exterior and increase exterior appeal.


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