People & Lifestyle

How Do You Pause an Online Game?



In today’s era, pausing an online game is a bit more problematic as compared to the conventional single-player game, where one needs to press the “Esc” key to pause. Online games have real-time activities with other players, and this maintains a high pressure-to-activity ratio. 


There are a couple of viable ways through which you can manage your time with relative effectiveness. Here’s how you can pause or manage your time while playing online games.

Understand the Mechanics of the Game

It is quite important to understand what the mechanics of a game allow before throwing oneself headlong when you play online games. There are certain features in online games that have an in-built “pause”; then there are those that don’t. This sort of information would be very practical and save you so much needless vexation.



There are some other games online that allow their action to be paused; at the very least their single-player modes can do so, if not during some breaks while the user is playing. In this category of games, check the game settings or its control menu.


In multiplayer and real-time games, the concept of pausing doesn’t probably even apply. The best course of action is to plan the gaming time in a way that you can enjoy it without any disturbance.


Taking Advantage of In-Game Breaks

Most online games have natural breaks or pauses in the gameplay. These can turn out to be strategic times for a break.

Matches and Rounds

Games that are running on a match or round basis will often have short breaks between rounds. Use these times to rest or take care of any real-life tasks.

Safe Zones

In most open-world or sandbox games, there will be safe areas in which your character is not under direct threat. These can often act as temporary pauses so you can step away from the game.

Communicating with Other Players

Communication is critical. Letting your teammates know that you will be taking a break away will help them manage their expectations. 


Use Chat Features

Most of the online games have chat features. Use them to let your team know if you’re going to leave for a minute or so. Sometimes, a simple warning is all it takes to keep your team in good spirits.

Coordination of Breaks

If you’re playing with friends or a typical team, plan breaks well in advance. That way, everyone knows when the breaks will come, and the gaming experience becomes much more manageable and smoother for all.

Play Games with Flexible Timing

Even in online games, though flexible timing is allowed, games that allow for asynchronicity usually play much better with your breaks.

Mobile Gaming

The majority of online games designed for mobile standards are only for short bursts of playing. These are ideally suited to pausing and picking up when it suits you best.


Browser Games

Browser games are generally a lot more forgiving about timing. You can interrupt or close them without losing much too easily.

Scheduled Play

If you have to spend time in life during a very tight schedule, then spend time playing when you will not be easily interrupted. The frequency of interfering pauses is reduced, which improves your effectiveness at the game.

Set Alarms/Reminders

Put in place alarms or reminders to manage time well during gaming. This helps one balance gaming and other activities.


It may not be as easy as hitting pause in an online game, but with proper strategies, you will be working out a great system of time management. Whether it’s on a mobile device, browser, or console, make use of these tips to balance your gaming experiences.


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