People & Lifestyle

How to ACTUALLY Make a Viral Video



Every creator wants to go viral on YouTube and get 1,000,000 views.

It CAN happen and does.

Here is how you can actually make a viral video.

1. Make sure it’s short

Most viral videos are under 3 minutes. Every second you add afterwards you are DECREASING your virality. Thus, try to pack it in and create videos under 3 minutes. A 2 minute video would perform even better.


2. Think about sharing

Videos go viral only because of social sharing or recommendations. No other reason. Thus, either a lot of folks need to share or YouTube needs to aggressively push your video. It’s hard to predict what YouTube will do in advance but you can definitely make your video more shareable. Thus, specifically think about what will make your viewers SHARE your content.

3. Be different

People share and talk about things which are DIFFERENT. Thus, you need to do everything possible to stick out. Specifically think about what you can do to make your videos more unique and try new things. Experiment and see which videos viral out the most.

4. Study past viral videos

You have a free library of unlimited viral videos on YouTube. Study videos which have over 1M views and notice what’s different about them. Then experiment with some of the concepts. If more people watch and share, then you’re on the right track.

Promolta is always here if your videos need a slight viral push. We would get your video seen on blogs, games, apps, and websites. This way a lot more people will discover your content.


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