People & Lifestyle

How to build a solar system on a balcony



On a sunny day, you’re looking at the bright blue sky from your balcony. You think, “I wonder if I could put a solar panel on my balcony to generate electricity.”

It turns out you can! Solar panels are becoming more common as people look for ways to reduce their dependency on fossil fuels.

Solar panels not only generate renewable energy, but they also help to reduce your ecological footprint.

But before you buy a mini solar powered generator system with storage, you should consider a few things. How much does battery storage cost? Does additional storage even make sense? Is it all worth it? I will go into detail about all of these questions in my guide!


How does a PV system on the balcony work?

A balcony solar system is a great way to generate electricity and save money on your electricity bill

The system consists of a photovoltaic panel that converts sunlight into electricity and a pure sine wave inverter that converts the electricity into alternating current.

A small power cable runs from the inverter to an outlet in your home, allowing you to connect the solar array to your electrical grid. As soon as light falls on the solar panel, it generates electricity, which is then fed into the inverter and converted into alternating current.


The alternating current is then fed into the home network, where it can be used to operate electronic devices.

Connecting several plug-in solar systems with each other is possible – with a maximum output of 4.6 kilowatts. However, the outlet requirements differ when multiple PV modules are connected, or the power of a single installed module is more than 600 watts.

How much money can you save with solar systems for the balcony?

The performance of mini solar systems is low. The purpose of the systems is not that you generate as much electricity as possible but that you generate cheap solar power, use most of it yourself and thus have to buy less electricity from the grid. This lowers your electricity costs. The likes of solar battery wollongong are great examples.


A plug-in solar device with an output of 300 watts costs around 500 dollars (gross) – this means you can save around 50 to 100 dollars in electricity costs per year.

The amount of electricity you use is an important factor, as is the yield of your solar array.

A small system with an output of up to 600 watts can cover about 10 percent of your electricity needs. Larger systems can deliver more, but even a small system can significantly reduce your electricity bill.

Also, most solar panels have a lifespan of around 15 years, which means they will save you money for many years.


So if you’re looking for a way to save money and reduce your carbon footprint, solar power is worth considering.

With or without power storage?

Electricity storage systems play an important role in photovoltaic systems by storing electricity for later use. These systems are becoming more common as they allow more efficient use of solar energy. As a result, energy providers like tomorrow energy are increasingly focusing on integrating advanced storage solutions to optimise the delivery and utilisation of renewable energy.

In 2019, electrical storage systems were present in almost half of all large solar systems. These systems help to compensate for periods of low electricity production, such as at night, by storing solar energy during periods of high production.


Electrical storage systems typically consist of multiple 12 volt batteries and MPPT charge controllers. This allows for a more constant power supply even when the sun’s rays aren’t there. In addition to their role in storing solar energy, electrical storage systems also help improve the overall efficiency of photovoltaic systems by enabling the management of excess electricity.

By using electricity storage, the proportion of self-produced solar power increases. In addition to large systems, small balcony power plants can also be worthwhile under special conditions.

How much additional money can I save with a storage system? 

A new study has found that solar power plants with storage systems are more effective at reducing electricity costs than those without storage.


The study, conducted by the Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems ISE, compared the two types of solar power plants under different conditions.

One of the most important results was that in areas with a high degree of self-sufficiency, solar power plants with storage systems were able to reduce electricity costs by 8% compared to those without storage.

This 8% saving based on the annual power consumption of 2,500 kWh corresponds to a saving of almost 200 kWh more for the solar power plant with storage.

Assuming that one kWh of electricity costs 40 cents, this results in additional savings of almost $80 per year. These results are strong evidence of the benefits of investing in a solar power plant with a storage system.


How long does it take for an electricity storage system to pay for itself?

To determine whether or not a storage system is a good financial investment, it is important to consider both the initial cost of the system and the ongoing savings in electricity costs.

Our example shows that even with the usual acquisition costs of $2,000, it takes more than 25 years for a storage system to pay for itself.

This means that you would have to own the system for more than 25 years to make a financial profit.


What is the maximum lifetime of a battery storage system?

A power storage system’s lifetime depends on several factors, including storage conditions, usage patterns, and battery type.

The storage conditions are particularly important because batteries or memory modules degrade faster in extreme temperatures. Under optimal conditions, a power storage system lasts about 20 years.

To extend the service life of a power storage system, it is important to use it so that the electrodes are stressed as little as possible.


For example, discharged batteries should not be stored for long periods, and batteries should never be left in a fully charged state. Lithium ion solar battery is widely used in power storage system due to its superior performance.

By following these simple guidelines, you can extend the life of a power storage system.

Conclusion: Is a balcony power plant with electricity storage worthwhile?

Although electricity storage systems can offer many benefits, they are not currently an economically viable option.


The systems are very expensive to purchase and install and do not return enough money in savings to justify the investment. In addition, the systems have to be serviced and maintained regularly, which further drives up the costs.

Based on the figures calculated so far, it is possible to determine exactly how much is lost. The remaining nearly 5 years of payback is multiplied by the lost annual savings.

Loss amount = 5 years x 80 dollars

Result: 400 dollars


In addition, the costs of maintenance, repair, and loss of efficiency were not included in the calculation. This would further increase the actual economic loss.

Why is it still worth buying a battery storage system?

The energy transition is a hot topic these days and with good reason. The world is increasingly aware of the need to reduce our dependence on fossil fuels, and the time is ripe for a shift to cleaner, renewable energy sources.

But the energy transition is about more than just the financial benefits. For many people, the successful energy transition and their contribution to it is something they look back on with pride and joy.


While a financial loss is associated with choosing a storage system, the actual loss is relatively small when considering the impact of green power on the energy system.

Instead of the financial loss, there are many advantages when using a power storage system:

  • Thanks to the storage, additional amounts of CO2 can be saved.
  • You can take some storage units with you and use them on camping trips, for example, so there is some flexibility in usage.

In short, the energy transition isn’t just about saving money – it’s about making a difference. And that’s something we can all stand behind.

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