People & Lifestyle

How to Increase YouTube Retention and Watch Time



All creators want to have higher retention and watch time.

Below are 6 tips for how to retain more of your viewers.

1. Skip the channel intro.

Channel intro is like an ad for your channel but the viewer saw your thumbnail and wanted to watch your video. Thus, by plugging in your channel trailer you are literally losing some viewers who would have otherwise finished your entire video.

2. Don’t ask viewers to subscribe early in the video.

Many creators ask viewers to subscribe TOO EARLY in the video. A better strategy would be to deliver MASSIVE value/entertainment first and then ask viewers to subscribe once they are hooked.


3. Make sure your audio is proper.

We recommend comparing your audio with other top creators. Thus, play your video alongside other popular creators and compare. Notice the loudness, clarity, background noise, and fix any issues.

4. Use bright colors.

Viewers respond to colors. Thus, try to incorporate bright colors during filming and editing.

5. Record several takes.

Some creators record the entire video in 1 take but a more effective strategy is to do several takes. This way you can incorporate the BEST footage from each take and the final video would be better.

6. Create short videos.

Some creators became obsessed with watch time and started producing LONGER videos with a lot of fluff. A better strategy is to make your videos SHORTER but action packed. A good length for a viral video is less than 3 minutes.


Promolta is always here if you need a viral push.

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