People & Lifestyle

How to master any skill quickly: secrets and tricks



All of us have experienced that new knowledge and skills are forgotten. No matter how much time and effort is spent on mastering them, after a while, the information disappears from your head. This is a big problem for students, because, by the time they pass their exams, there may be almost nothing left in their memory.

In our article, we share 5 research-based study tips. They will allow you to master any skill quickly and efficiently.


5 study tips               



  • Define and formulate a meaningful goal

When there is an obsession (in a good way), learning and memorizing information is much easier. Learning for the sake of learning rarely works. This is when students turn to the write me an essay service in order not to lose their grades.

For example, you once saw a speech that grabbed all of your attention. The speaker was so strong and charismatic that you could not take your eyes off him. And you have the desire to become the same, to learn the art of oratory.

Maybe you have been to Spain and fallen in love with the language, and now you want to speak it fluently. This will allow you, when you come to the country again, to communicate with the locals in their language and receive praise. In a nutshell, find a goal worth turning your brain on full blast for.


  • Write down information!

Psychological Science conducted a study. In the experiment, two groups of students took notes of lectures: one by hand, the other – on the computer. Everyone was given a week to assimilate the material, and then they took an exam. The one who wrote down the information by hand showed the best results. The old-fashioned method of taking notes using pen and paper improves memory and provides a better understanding of the material.


  • Teach someone

Have you ever tried to explain a concept to someone? If so, you’ve probably noticed that in the process, you learn the information better.

When you teach something to someone else, you are forced to simplify the material to make it as understandable as possible. This requires additional semantic processing of information, which has a positive impact on its digestion.

People remember:

– 5% of what they learn from a lecture;


– 10% of what is read;

– 20% of what is presented in audio-visual materials;

– 30% of what they see in a visual example;

– 50% of what is discussed;


– 75% of what is practiced;

– 90% of what is taught to someone.

When you teach, try to use mental associations to help you and the student tie the information together. For example, if you want to remember the difference between the words “subscriber” and “subscription,” recall the phrase “Subscriber unavailable, call back later.”

You can also use mind maps to create a visual overview of the different connections you’re trying to make.



  • Use it or lose it

When it comes to learning languages, constant practice is essential. The sample principle applies to music production. With platforms like SoundShockAudio, aspiring music producers can access tons of tools to practice and refine their craft. It often happens that a person reaches the level of fluent communication, but due to lack of practice slips down to almost a basic level. The same happens with other skills, though a little slower.


How to ensure consistent practice:



– Plan your classes

Scheduling your classes is at least 90 percent guaranteed. So think about getting a calendar or a daily planner (or better yet, both). Carve out 30-60 minutes a day to practice, and soon (after 63 days) it will become a habit of yours.

– Surround yourself with successful people

To become a successful entrepreneur, it’s important to network with entrepreneurs. This applies to any other goal: if you want to succeed, it is important to be among like-minded people. This allows you to constantly learn because you will be around people who know the skill you need at a higher level. For example, to learn a foreign language, it is important to communicate with native speakers and get feedback from them.


– Use the Internet

If you don’t have people to surround yourself with, you can find them online: on-topic sites, social networks, online schools, etc.

– Take care of yourself

Many students think that cramming at night somehow helps their studies, but that’s not true. It activates only short-term memory, and to effectively absorb the information you need to engage long-term.




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