
“I am sorry” – Nii Funny apologizes for his remarks about Ga women



Hi Ghanaian singer, Nii Funny has apologized publicly after getting anger for making derogatory remarks about women in the Ga community.

Last week, when promoting his new song, the musician responded to a question about why he married a black American instead of a woman from his tribe by saying, “Ga women are lazy and continuously beg for money.”

Read Also: ‘I didn’t marry a Ga woman because they constantly beg for money and are lazy’ – Nii Funny

His remarks drew harsh criticism from the general public and members of the Ga community.
In response to the backlash, Nii Funny issued an apology to his followers.
In the statement, the singer blamed the media for misquoting his words and apologized to Ga women who he claims to “love and respect”.
See the full statement below.
In a recent interview to promote my ‘No Supa’ track, I shared a personal
sad experience I have had with a few Ga girls.
Unfortunately news headlines on that discussion generalized my com-
ments to mean an attack on all Ga women. That cannot be what I said and
the context of my comments.
I cannot damage the reputation of all Ga women. I know and I have read
of several illustrious Ga women in all sectors of development from com-
merce to religion to politics to global leadership to invention and several
Ga mothers who are the bread winners of their homes: Ga women of
repute, worthy of emulation.
I am sorry for the impression created. That was not the import of my
message in the context I spoke about my sad experience.
I am not against Ga women, I am an offspring of an eminent Ga woman
and I have a sweet Ga daughter who would grow into a great Ga woman.
I am sorry for any impressions of disrespect, disregard and disdain
whatsoever from me.
I love and respect our Ga women.

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