People & Lifestyle

Kubator Labs Ltd. Introduces ‘Africa’s First Fully Integrated App Store’




<![CDATA[On Saturday 7th of December 2013 during an Event entitled ‘A Misumobo Afternoon’, Kubator Labs, a Software Engineering Company will be introducing Africa’s First Fully Integrated App Store. What? As Africa accelerates its process of digitization and the Internet slowly starts to become ever so present in our lives, Apps, these small sized applications we manipulate on our phones to process various tasks have become engines of progress and change we are not even consciously aware of. They have reduced bulky websites found on both desk and laptops into nicely fitted easy to use applications in our pockets. Here we are only considering their effect on us personally. In the grander scheme of economic interest, put together, they have become the new generators of revenue for the almighty Telecommunication companies. They are implicitly augmenting Financial and Economic activity. Everyday that we search for relevant information Apps are impacting us directly. As E-Africa emerges and economic growth hastens, these Apps will transform our societies. Those in distant fields will have access to educational material, those seeking health related information will have it through the pat of a finger and those seeking to distract themselves will do so by playing games with others not sitting opposite them. Yes Apps, these little images we tap on to perform minor tasks are not so little after all. Why? So far it is principally the big players that have become the Gate Keepers and regulators of what we the developers can make available for the general public through their platforms. More over, here in Africa there isn’t such a platform that caters specifically for our needs. Misumobo was created for this exact reason. Misumobo is an ‘African Digital Market’ tailored for African Developers. Managed by Developers and caring for the specific needs of African Business Markets, Academic and Educational Essentials, and many other things that can be digitized. Misumobo welcomes you all to a truly African Centric App Store. Let ‘Creative Fun’ beg]]>


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