People & Lifestyle

Mr Ideal Nigeria finale set for June 9



Things are heating up ahead of the Mr Ideal Nigeria finals in June. The event which is in its 3rd season is regarded as one of the most anticipated male pageants in Nigeria. This year, delegates representing the 36 states of the federation will arrive in Lagos on the 5th of June for the prejudging activities. The grand finale will follow on the 9th of June. August 2011 saw the start of the search for Mr Ideal Nigeria representatives starting with Niger state and since then 25 states pageants have been held! And these have all added to the anticipation of the pageant this year! Mr Ideal Nigeria is the search for Nigeria’s perfect man, a Mr ideal that is a unique combination of a fit body tone and an entrepreneurial mind! Hence he gets to start his own business and also will be representing Nigeria at the Mister Earth worldwide pageant this year. The reigning Mr Ideal Nigeria, Ayotunde Ajiboye who just returned from his trip to India is CEO of Clipse Entertainment and has produced two artists since he became the title holder. Ayotunde Fabamwo , president of the Mr Ideal Nigeria says ‘2012 is the best line up we have had in years and we promise an electrifying show! The Mr Ideal Nigeria is committed to empowering young men; we build a future for the young men who are contesting in our pageant. We are confident that the Mr Ideal Nigeria will benefit the country and will move us a step closer toward building a new Nigeria’. The judges of this year’s events include Isioma Elemelu CEO of ISIS models and producer of Nigeria’s next top model , Wunmi Osiyemi of Visk & Surprises, Booby Taylor PR guru who has an outstanding success with Fashion meets Runway, Yewande Adekoya the producer of hit movies Igbo Dudu and Omo Elemoso , Adonia Owiriwa producer of hit movie Kajola,  and Damilola Amele of Moments with Mo debaters. The Mr Ideal Nigeria 2012 will be raising money for children who have been affected by the recent bombings in the country in partnership with Project Friendship Initiative. The Mr Ideal Nigeria was first held in Akure in the year 2010, and has since then become an annual event and a life changing one for its participants. Performing acts this year include Adol, Morachi , Papi and African – American Dancer Chatty from Texas.  For mor info please visit]]>


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