
Omah Lay Says His Sudden Fame Affected His Mental Health



Nigerian music sensation and songwriter, Stanley Omah Didia, professionally known as Omah Lay, has opened about how his sudden rise to fame affected his mental health.

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According to him, his sudden rise to fame put him in a bad mental state, emphasizing that he struggled at first, but later found his balance.

Speaking in a candid interview with Nigerian media personality, Adesope Olajide, on Afrobeats Podcast, the ‘Bad Influence’ singer detailed that, “It was a jump; at first, I struggled, and it put me in a bad mental state because I was still trying to learn my ways. However, with time, I got more comfortable and learned that I’m running my race and that I should move at my own pace.”

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He continued by saying, “There was pressure. You don’t expect to move from one crappy laptop or spending all your life in the studio to being a global superstar. It’s just like they brought you from just starting music production to this right here (points at equipment in the studio0; ‘You go lost’.”

The renowned artist further asserted that he has no issues talking about his vulnerabilities in public, stressing that his songs are all about his life experiences.

“If I can put my vulnerabilities in my song, then I can talk about them. My music is all about my real-life experiences, and I know everybody in the world is listening to it,” he averred.



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