
Pray for me; my heart is heavy – James Gardiner tells fans as he battles depression



Renowned Ghanaian actor, James Gardiner recently opened up about how he felt numb and powerless on his birthday.

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James in an Instagram post on his birthday last week, narrated all the setbacks he encountered when he set up some businesses and all went down the drain as a result of unforeseen circumstances.

The actor, known for his ‘loverboy’ roles in both Ghanaian and Nigerian movies disclosed that he managed to start a car rental company. Things were good until Covid hit.

According to him, he spent his birthday crying in his room alone because he didn’t know what to do as the issue keeps weighing on him each day. 


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The award-winning actor then urged his fans to pray for him to overcome the adversity.

”I was going to keep it simple but I’ve got a lot on my mind! I just feel I need to vent out! I need to talk to someone, anyone! My heart is heavy! It’s my birthday but I don’t know what I’m celebrating! I cried my eyes out this morning. I’m just a young man trying to be successful in this life! Take care of my son and my responsibilities. I’m not in competition with anyone! Anyone who knows me, knows how pure and genuine I am! That’s how my mom raised me. In 2018 I managed to start a car rental company. Things were good until Covid hit. Then business dipped for like 2 yrs. Sold the cars and decided to invest in a night club in Ghana hoping to strike gold once again. But things didn’t work out as they should, or maybe not just yet! Friends and family didn’t support me much. 


”The ones who did, did! Yes I’m working and doing what I love ……. Acting! But I’m just not happy! I feel empty tbh. Like is all of this worth it? Is there a module? A lot of ‘what ifs’ and questions but I’m still a happy soul! I still have the most valuable thing, Life! Don’t get me wrong, I’m still thankful! I’ve said my prayers this morning. I thank God for another chapter. 

”I’ve ignored all calls this morning. So If you’re seeing this post, it’s not intentional. I just need some time to myself so bear with me! ❤️ I don’t take failure lightly but I try my best not to show it! This might be a whole lot of ‘nothings’ lol but hey at least I got it out of my chest! Just know that Men go through a lot too and we usually barely have people to run to! So thank you for hearing me out lol …….. Just say a prayer for me! I’m gonna keep my head high and continue to figure it out! I know I’m stubborn and imperfect! But together we are here now! Happy birthday to us 🎈…… Love you guys! ❤️

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