People & Lifestyle

Safety Tips for Pets during the Christmas festive season



‘Tis season is here and as a joyful season which is marked with a lot of loud noises, it can be stressful for pets and frustrating for pet parents especially first timers. It is always important to inform guests about your pets prior to their arrival, don’t startle  them. Below are some  other guidelines that would help you and your pet this holiday season.

Keep your pet inside to avoid harsh weather

Christmas is here again with the harmattan weather conditions which mostly present extreme dryness and cold temperatures especially at night times. Your pets should be keep indoors and inside warm caging to ameliorate the precarious weather conditions. Ensure water is always present for pets to prevent dehydration and to increase humidity  within their environment.

Avoid foods that are poisonous to pets

This season is associated with several feasting bouts and pet owners might sometimes want to invite their fury-friends  to the party by dolling out food from  their plates to the pet animal. Most of these food components like onions can be toxic to your pet which may result in a medical emergency. Table leftovers especially bones are not advisable for pets.


Control your pet during outdoor socializations

You may want to take your pet out for outdoor events around the neighborhood, to the beach or other activities. Ensure to keep your pet on leash to avoid it attacking people or other pets. Unrestraint access to other pets can also allow your pet pick up ectoparasites like ticks from the other animals.

Clean up wrapping papers and gift packages

Christmas is characterized with shopping sprees, and various kinds of gift items. It can be stressful and tiring after the day’s activities but one must ensure that all wrappings or packages gifts, food items came in with are immediately dispose off properly to prevent access by once pet.

Create a safe, quiet place for your pet to relax away from the party


As the celebrations and bustling unfold with a home party, it would be safe to provide a safe, quiet place for your pet to relax away from the party to prevent it getting too excited, especially with cats, in the midst of the people.


By Daniel Baba Abiliba, Emmanuel D. Piiru

Ghana Animal Welfare Society



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