People & Lifestyle

Staying Safe When Receiving Liquid Waterproofing Supplies



If you’re having waterproofing work done on your home, commercial building or other property, the project likely involves specialized liquid waterproofing compounds and chemicals. When applied correctly, these liquids provide an effective barrier against water damage. However, precautions need to be taken when the waterproofing supplies are delivered and initially stored and handled onsite. In this post, we’ll look at some key tips for safely receiving and managing these liquid waterproofing supplies from authentic dealers like Industrial Supplies.


Let’s look at important considerations for accepting delivery of these supplies and handling them with care.

Inspecting Container Integrity

The first step when liquid waterproofing materials arrive is thoroughly inspecting all containers for any damage or leaks before accepting the delivery. Check for things like punctures, cracks, dents or other compromised packaging that could result in leaks or spills of the hazardous contents. Reject any containers that are damaged or appear questionable, and do not accept their delivery. Only intact, unharmed containers should be approved and accepted. Damaged goods can be refused and returned to the distributor for replacement of intact containers.


Reviewing Safety Data Sheets

For all liquid waterproofing chemicals and compounds being delivered, request current safety data sheets (SDS) from the manufacturer or distributor. Safety data sheets provide detailed information about the product’s hazards and risks, proper handling procedures, appropriate personal protective equipment, potential health effects from exposure, proper storage protocol, emergency response measures for spills or exposure, and other critical safety topics.

Read through the safety data sheets thoroughly before beginning to work with any of the liquids, so you understand the proper precautions and how to work with them appropriately based on the chemical characteristics. Having the SDS information on hand allows you to reference it quickly whenever needed.

Wearing Adequate Protective Equipment

When transferring delivered containers of liquid waterproofing materials from the transport truck to the storage area, be sure warehouse workers or anyone else handling the containers is equipped with proper protective equipment. This includes impermeable gloves, eye protection, face shields, respirators or appropriate masks, coveralls, and slip-resistant shoes. The equipment creates a barrier against chemical contact with skin, eyes, respiratory system or clothing. Don’t take risks with unknown substances. Following SDS guidelines for PPE is essential.

Labeling Containers Clearly

Verify that all containers are properly labeled by the manufacturer with the product name, manufacturer name and contact information, batch number, hazard warnings, and other pertinent identifying details. This ensures the liquid contents can always be identified clearly. If any container is missing a label or has an unreadable label, reject it and request adequately labeled replacements. Proper labeling prevents confusion and mistakes when storing or handling these chemicals.


Segregating Incompatible Chemicals

Consult the safety data sheets to check for any instructions related to segregated storage for the liquid waterproofing supplies. In some cases, certain chemicals cannot be safely stored together due to risks of harmful reactions. Always follow manufacturer directions for storing compounds separately from incompatible substances. This could involve dedicating separate storage areas, rooms, or containers to isolate the materials from each other. Proper segregation minimizes the chance of accidental mixing.

Controlling Temperature Fluctuations

Some liquid waterproofing products require climate controlled storage within defined temperature ranges to maintain their stability and integrity. The safety data sheets will specify ideal temperature parameters. Be sure the delivery area and eventual storage facilities offer temperature control through HVAC systems, insulation, shade from sunlight, or other means necessary to keep the materials within the specified range. Excess heat or cold exposure can negatively alter the chemistry.

Preventing Leaks and Spills

Always handle liquid waterproofing containers gently to avoid drops, impacts, or forces that could cause ruptures or leaks. Move containers slowly and carefully using dollies or carts with straps or clamps to keep them secure. Have spill response kits prepared and accessible in case of any accidental leaks. Know the emergency protocols for containment. Quick reaction helps minimize impacts if liquids do escape containers while handling.

Restricting Access

Only allow trained staff members to access the liquid waterproofing supplies during delivery or while in storage. Keep the storage area locked and restricted when not in use. Untrained personnel should never handle the chemicals. Clear signage also helps indicate restrictions. Supervision provides oversight on proper methods. Limiting access prevents inexperienced people from incorrectly moving or interacting with the hazardous liquids.


Disposing of Empty Containers

Learn how to properly dispose of empty waterproofing chemical containers by following regional hazardous waste regulations and guidelines on the safety data sheets. Reusing empty containers is typically not recommended. Ensure emptied containers are completely drained into proper waste receptacles with absorbent pads for any residual liquid. Defacing labels before disposal also prevents misuse. Proper disposal prevents environmental contamination.

Reporting Damaged Goods

If any waterproofing liquid containers arrive damaged, promptly notify the distributor per their damaged goods policies so that intact replacement containers can be issued. Documenting and reporting problems with received shipments helps hold suppliers accountable for following packing protocols to avoid issues. Rejecting damaged containers also provides an audit trail.




By focusing on the safety of your team and handling these potent liquids with care, the delivery process can go smoothly. Taking the time to work safely prevents much larger problems down the road. Prioritizing precautions allows you to leverage these waterproofing compounds while protecting health, property and the environment.

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