People & Lifestyle

Tips to Keep You and Your Computer Safe When Browsing Online



The world is at a standstill today because of the pandemic that the coronavirus caused. A lot of things are affected nowadays. People are advised to follow social distancing, and the economy is suffering. Lots of people are now jobless and are barely making ends meet. There are, however, a few lucky who have their jobs while working from home.

For these people, the lifeblood of their income right now is their computer and the internet. Even before the pandemic, people are already doing a lot of stuff online. Due to the rising number of people being online, some people want to take advantage of that. If you’re not careful enough, you can get everything you’ve worked so hard to get stolen.



When you’re working online, from home, during this pandemic, you would want your computer to break down and your information getting stolen. Times are tough nowadays, and some people know how to take advantage of others. Don’t fall victim to these people. To prevent you from suffering from a fate like the one mentioned above, here are some tips to keep you and your computer safe when browsing online.

Install BitDefender Total Security

First off, a computer needs to have good antivirus software installed to help prevent any nasty stuff from doing damage. Software such as BitDefender total security can help prevent viruses from getting into your system. If you don’t have such software on your system, viruses and malware can steal your information.


Information such as bank account numbers, credit card information, name, address, virtually anything about you is easy to get from your computer if you don’t provide it with protection. There are even tools that hackers use to take control of your computer! They can turn on or off anything they like, and they can also control your mouse and keyboard!



Even if you have good antivirus software, it won’t do you good if you don’t update it. Just like real-life viruses such as coronavirus, malware, and viruses are also evolving. To keep up with those changes, antivirus software needs to get upgraded with newer features to help combat these types of problems.

Avoiding Suspicious Websites

The internet is a virtual place where you can get to do a lot of stuff. From ordering clothes to ordering pizza, from being a ninja to becoming a life coach, the internet is amazing. However, it would help if you always were careful what you’re getting into. It’s easy to get distracted by a lot of things on the internet.



Distraction is one way how criminals steal your information online. By setting up suspicious websites, people can lure in unknowing visitors to fill up sensitive information. Avoid these kinds of sites by all means. Here are some tips to help spot a malicious website:

Missing Padlock Icon

The padlock sign on the top left corner of your browser, which appears before the link in your address bar, signifies that the website you’re visiting is secure. A site that doesn’t have that padlock icon can mean that that website is unsafe.

Messy Webpages

From content, color schemes, and everything else, legit websites put in the effort to perfect them. Google and other search engines take this into account and reward these websites with good rankings. A malicious website won’t have such benefits as they’re crudely then. You can clearly see that there’s broken language in its pages and other things that don’t quite feel “professional” when it comes to a legit website.

Automatic Downloads

Another classic sign that a website is up to no good is an automatic download. If, by chance, you visit a site and you suddenly notice something downloading, cancel it immediately and leave the site. If you don’t cancel it, you’re still safe as long as you don’t open that suspicious file. You should always have this kind of approach with programs that you aren’t sure of.



To help secure accounts online, websites and other businesses often require people to register an account and provide it with a password. This layer of security prevents other people from logging in to your account. However, the problem that lies with this method is that many people, believe it or not, use easy-to-guess passwords.


The number of people using 123456 as their password will simply amaze you. Even by using personal details such as birthdays, specific dates, and names, you’re putting yourself at risk. All it takes is a lucky, educated guess from a skilled hacker to steal your info. Make sure you use something totally random and that only you should know about that password.

Using VPNs

Using a VPN or virtual private network will help you encrypt your data online, making it extremely hard for hackers to see your information. Although VPNs won’t prevent you from getting hacked, you don’t have to worry. The extra layer of protection is more than enough for you. Unless you’re a high-level target by certain governments, you don’t have to worry about using a VPN. 


Protect yourself online

Nowadays, business and almost everything is done online. Since there’s a rise in population on the internet, criminals are noticing. Avoid accidentally leaking your information to these criminals by following the tips mentioned above.



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