People & Lifestyle

Wedding Makeup: Three Ways to Prevent a Breakout the Week before Your Wedding

  With the numerous preparations that you have to make several days and weeks before your wedding, it is possible to forget about your skin care. Unfortunately, this is one of the areas to perfect on before you walk down the aisle. The stress and pressure that you have as you prepare for your big […]




Three Ways to Prevent a Breakout the Week before Your Wedding

With the numerous preparations that you have to make several days and weeks before your wedding, it is possible to forget about your skin care. Unfortunately, this is one of the areas to perfect on before you walk down the aisle. The stress and pressure that you have as you prepare for your big day could end up wreaking havoc on your skin.

While there is no complete assurance of a flawless complexion on your wedding day, it is essential to try and manage it. Otherwise, not being on your best on this day will make you create some memories that you may not love about your big day. Here are three wedding makeuptips to help you prevent a breakout that could steal the show on your big day.

Do your laundry 

Germs are a significant cause of acne on your skin. Such germs and dead cells on your face towels is one way through which these germs get to your face. While it is not possible to tell the exact amount of germs on the towel, it is advisable to ensure that you always use clean ones. Making doing laundry a priority will enable you to have a perfect face on your wedding day. You could make it a routine to always use clean face towels and bed sheets few weeks before the wedding to ensure that you will be perfect on that day. 

Keep Hands off Your Face

Three Ways to Prevent a Breakout the Week before Your Wedding

More often than not, keeping hands on your face is a habit that can be hard to break. However, for you to keep off bacteria from your face, you need to avoid placing your hands on your face. This will include avoiding popping out a pimple that may appear on your face before your wedding day. Good wedding makeup will help hide the pimples and scars on the face. You could also get some of the lotions that will make you avoid breaking your face before the wedding as you buy items such as the Mother of the Bride Dresses

Hydrate Your Skin

Three Ways to Prevent a Breakout the Week before Your Wedding

For you to have clear skin, you need to make drinking water a priority. Having water in your body helps get rid of toxins thus keeping your body healthy.  Additionally, reducing sugary drinks will also help prevent a breakout situation. This way, your skin will look beautiful enough for your wedding day. At Least two liters of water in a day will make you look the look that you will love to have as you approach your big day. 

A face breakout is one of the worst things that could happen a few days before your wedding day. Unfortunately, avoiding it is easier said than done. Luckily, with the few precautions above, it is possible to keep your skin looking stunning. You could also get the right tips to avoid breaking as you buy Mother of the Bride Dresses. Consider the tips above in addition to leveraging quality wedding makeup to avoid a last-minute pimple pop-up.



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