People & Lifestyle

6 ways marketers can ensure a long term growth for their brand



Making a profit and earning revenue is definitely the basic criterion to analyze the success of your business, but if your growth is stagnant, it will ultimately lead to a downfall.

Thus, employing long-term growth strategies is not a luxury, but a necessity. You might be earning lump sum annual profits, but that is not a guarantee of your long-term success or long-term growth for that matter. It’s just a part of it.

Is this part enough to establish your brand? Well, no. The reason why I have rounded up a list of the 6 top-notch strategies that you must adopt to ensure long term growth.

You cannot ignore social media

In your marketing recipe, social media for sure is the magic ingredient that can transform ordinary to delicious. Social media has been revolutionary for businesses and startups of this era, and it wouldn’t be wrong if we say there are so many businesses built on its back. After all, 54% of social browsers use social media to research products.


You can either hire people to manage your social media for you or very frankly, with so much content online on how to go about social media and manage stuff, you can do it all by yourself.

Keep an eye on your competitors

Well, there’s a saying ‘Do what your competitors are doing and along with it add something of your own’. For that, you have to keep track of all your competitors’ activities. Don’t worry, I know it’s impractical to do it with human force. There is a range of tools available in the market to serve your purpose. You can even use a Paraphrasing Tool to find out the level of uniqueness in your content online. 

For instance, Stillio, the website archiving tool helps you keep an eye on your competitor’s digital presence with its automated screenshots. Apart from that, it also serves as a great tool to generate screenshots of your own websites to late run a comparison check with your rivals. In today’s world when time is invaluable, Stillio helps you travel a long way.

You need to start a blog


If you haven’t yet started a blog for your business, you need to start one immediately. Many marketers do not show a keen interest in blogging because of its slow returns. Even you will find it a barren land if you don’t know how to blog. Studies confirm that websites with a blog tend to have 434% more indexed pages!

Start a blog page on your website and alongside begin authority blogging. If you don’t know what it is, it means using other publishing platforms like Quora and Medium to reach out to more people. The idea is not just blogging, but blogging effectively.

Leverage Search Engine Optimization

If you want to succeed in marketing, you definitely can’t overlook SEO. Done right, it has the power to raise you to the skies while on the contrary, it can reduce it to rashes also.

In the recent past, we have seen marketers being really afraid of the implications of SEO. But trust me, once you learn to leverage it, there’s no going back. But, remember there are no shortcuts to lead you to the first page of Google rankings. It requires dedication and consistency.


Find the right influencers

Since the dawn of Instagram, Influencer marketing has taken a very different shape. All of us cannot afford brand ambassadors, but we all can leverage influencers, and build an audience the right way.

Influencers can let out your brand in terms you have never imagined. You can pick some impactful micro or mini influencers but make sure they have an authoritative voice in your dedicated industry. Find those whose target audience aligns with your own. Don’t get blown with the number of followers and put relevance higher on your consideration list.

Adopt email marketing sequences

If you haven’t automated email marketing, what are you doing?


If you want your sales funnel to be effective, attracting leads, converting them and making actual sales, then you just can’t avoid email marketing. If done right, the average expected ROI is $32 for every dollar spent! This stat alone is already a big reason for you to start developing your own email marketing strategy. The idea is, you build a closer relationship with your audience.

Lastly, remember communication is EVERYTHING for an efficient marketing strategy. Tell your stories in the best way possible the journey will only take you upwards.





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