People & Lifestyle

AmeyawDebrah.Com announces ‘Yummy Mummy Of The Month’



So in the spirit of celebrating Mothers’ Days, I have come up with yet another one of my crazy ideas for my lifestyle section, and depending on the response, it may become a regular monthly contest just like ‘GH Hunk & Hottie of the Month’. 

So basically, I want us to celebrate a ‘Yummy mummy’ each month –  young or old mothers who still look amazing after going through the tough cycle of carrying a baby in their wombs for 9-months, childbirth, breast-feeding and bringing up their children.

If you fit the description or think your mother fits the description, then send photos and details such as name, number of children, occupation or age (I know ladies don’t tell their age hahaha) to

The winner will get a special treat and gifts from me…wink.


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