People & Lifestyle

Celebrity Guest Column – Piece of Peace: Tough Times Don’t Last, Tough People Do

Welcome to your regular dose of ‘A PIECE OF PEACE’! I believe we are all born to be great in our own way, and life is a journey laced with a series of lessons to enable you to unlock your inner greatness! So stay tuned for a personal insight on tips, information and advice aimed to […]



Welcome to your regular dose of ‘A PIECE OF PEACE’! I believe we are all born to be great in our own way, and life is a journey laced with a series of lessons to enable you to unlock your inner greatness! So stay tuned for a personal insight on tips, information and advice aimed to inspire and motivate that I am discovering as I embark on my journey to unlocking my inner greatness. I hope it helps you as it is helping me!
Today I would like to share on the topic: Tough Times Don’t Last, Tough People Do.
Everyone of us has had one of those moments where we go through really difficult situations to which there seems no end in sight, it affects us all in different ways; for most of us, those are dark days of depression and anxiety. For others, they are days where we compound those situations with memories of individual failures, poor decisions and self resentment. Our reality becomes extremely negative and eventually this feeling of depression leads to an overall lack of productivity. 
It is important to remember during these times that difficult situations exist only to test your resolve. How bad do you really want that promotion? What will you give up to get that new car? How much effort are you willing to invest in your dreams? It is in these tough times that we see what we are truly made of!
When I find myself in these times, I always ask myself what am I declaring over my life? The power of life and death are in the tongue.  So speak life into your situation, family, business. Declare I am a successful story! I am much stronger that I give myself credit for! I will have the job I have always wanted! I am more than my current financial circumstances!  
There is a time and a season for everything, tough times will always come and go for as long as we decide to keep pushing towards our goals! What we decide to do with those tough times however, will determine how successful we will be. 
Remember tough times don’t last tough people do! Tough people remember that it is only a season! Tough people enlarge their dreams and create a portrait of it in their mind, and stop at nothing to achieve it! Tough people never give in or give up, they keep pushing and pushing until the break through happens! 
So next time you are in a difficult situation remind yourself that you are a tough person, who is born to be great and as with every season, this too shall pass!
Be yourself, everyone else is taken!
Peace Hyde


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